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Red Hat and Microsoft have been partners for more than a decade, and the partnership is ever-expanding with automation and container technologies. This video is about how you can use Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform to automate Microsoft Azure compute resources. 

Microsoft Azure is a first-class citizen within the Ansible Partner Ecosystem and has all the required modules to automate the provisioning of cloud resources from Resource Groups, Virtual Disks, Virtual Networks, even Virtual Machines. The integration of Azure Resource manager into Ansible Tower can create an entire Azure Cloud Infrastructure with ease. 


The video is a step-by-step demo to automating the provisioning of a Virtual Machine using a certified RHEL8 image inside Microsoft Azure Cloud. In this 13 minute video, we will focus on the Ansible Playbook that automates the creation of Resource Group, Virtual Network, Subnets, Security Group, Network Interface, Public IP, and Virtual Machine. Ansible Tower’s Dynamic Inventory capabilities will discover the newly created virtual machines within Azure Cloud - thereby helping customers to stay compliant with their actual cloud footprints. 


The demo includes:

  • Ansible modules to automate Azure Cloud
  • Azure Credentials within Ansible Tower
  • Ansible Playbook to automate Azure resources
  • Ansible Tower Dynamic Inventory




Next Steps:

Ansible and Microsoft: https://www.ansible.com/integrations/cloud/microsoft-azure

Ansible Guide for Microsoft Azure: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/scenario_guides/guide_azure.html

Ansible Documentation: https://docs.ansible.com/



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