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Come join us at the Ceph support Wiki. Because it’s a Wiki, you get to contribute! And, even more, you get to benefit from a good variety of articles and tutorials, such as the tutorial on how to create versionable and fault-tolerant storage devices with Ceph and VirtualBox.

What’s it all about?

The cloud is quickly becoming commonplace. It’s on our phones, our laptops and workstations. Smart appliances are tapping into it. So it makes sense that the enterprise is seeing a move on the part of both apps and users to move their data to the cloud, whether they are aware of the consequences or not.

This creates challenges for cloud providers who need to provide fault-tolerant, high-performance infrastructure to support big data storage and processing needs, yet can be scaled and is flexible enough to account for numerous use cases

Ceph can help. It’s an open source distributed storage system designed to provide excellent performance, reliability, and scalability. To help you set Ceph up to take advantage of its self-healing and self-managing characteristics, we’ve pulled together a walkthrough at the wiki. In it, you will learn how to:

  • Create cluster nodes
  • Install the Ceph deployment toolkit
  • Configure authentication between cluster nodes
  • Configure and activate a cluster monitor
  • Prepare and activate OSDs
  • Verify cluster health
  • Test the cluster
  • Connect a Ceph block device to the cluster

So head on over there and check it out today!

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