Abonnez-vous au flux

At the end of the month, more than 5,000 people from around the world will gather in Brussels for FOSDEM 2015 ( January 31 and February 1). The event is free and registration is not required, so if you're in the area (or can get there), FOSDEM is a great way to expand your international network and your skillset.

The schedule is now online, but check back before the event to confirm that talks and speakers haven't been shifted around at the last minute. Here is a sample of sessions you can attend to learn more about our projects:

These are only a few of the many great sessions at FOSDEM 2015. Check out the event website to see what else is going on and who will be there at: https://fosdem.org/2015/

CentOS Dojo Brussels

The CentOS Dojo Brussels will be held January 30th, the day before FOSDEM kicks off. The dojo will have a sys admin and a cloud track, with the following sessions:

  • CentOS Install Methods Review
  • Guide to Software Collections
  • Pulp Project, HowTo Manage RPM Repositories
  • Tuning the Xen Hypervisor for Optimal Performance
  • Optimising Xen Deployments for Storage Performance
  • OpenStack Quickstart with RDO on CentOS
  • Ceph Introduction and Use Cases
  • GlusterFS Quickstart Tutorial

Seating is limited, so register online before it fills up.

If you can't make it to Brussels, maybe we'll see you at another upcoming event. Keep an eye on our event calendar for updates on where we'll be next.

À propos de l'auteur


Parcourir par canal

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Les dernières nouveautés en matière d'automatisation informatique pour les technologies, les équipes et les environnements

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Intelligence artificielle

Actualité sur les plateformes qui permettent aux clients d'exécuter des charges de travail d'IA sur tout type d'environnement

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Cloud hybride ouvert

Découvrez comment créer un avenir flexible grâce au cloud hybride

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Les dernières actualités sur la façon dont nous réduisons les risques dans tous les environnements et technologies

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Edge computing

Actualité sur les plateformes qui simplifient les opérations en périphérie

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Les dernières nouveautés sur la plateforme Linux d'entreprise leader au monde

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À l’intérieur de nos solutions aux défis d’application les plus difficiles

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Programmes originaux

Histoires passionnantes de créateurs et de leaders de technologies d'entreprise