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The Friday Five is a weekly Red Hat® blog post with 5 of the week's top news items and ideas from or about Red Hat and the technology industry. Consider it your weekly digest of things that caught our eye.


Red Hat Blog - Red Hat OpenStack 14 now generally available

Red Hat OpenStack Platform 14 includes several new benefits, including simplifying the adoption of container-based workloads through tighter integration with Red Hat OpenShift Platform. This release of Red Hat OpenStack Platform is designed to deliver the capabilities organizations need as they transform their organization to a more operationally efficient and agile business.


Red Hat Blog - Open Outlook: Global Services

Looking back at 2018, I [John Allessio, vice president of Global Services at Red Hat] am most proud of the success we have seen as our role in the business increased. We have seen training and services revenue growth of more than 25 percent in fiscal year 2018. We are planning to expand our Open Innovation Labs capabilities globally, and continue to evolve our training and certification programs in 2019, with a focus on developers, such as our recently announced Red Hat Learning Subscription for Developers.


Forbes - The Future Of Open Source Software: More Of Everything

When it comes to the future of open source software, given the trend lines of the past few years, it seems pretty safe to say that a single word – more – will be present in just about everything that happens in 2019. More mergers and acquisitions following on the megadeals of IBM buying Red Hat and Microsoft buying GitHub. More vulnerabilities, corresponding with more efforts by hackers to take advantage of those vulnerabilities. More licensing squabbles and lawsuits. More Linux everywhere, present in the cloud, the IoT, AI, big data, DevOps and blockchain.


Red Hat Blog - What's New in Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit 4.2 including OracleJDK to OpenJDK Migration

Application migration and modernization can be a daunting task. The release of Red Hat Application Migration Toolkit 4.2.0 has made this process easier with a number of new capabilities. This release continues the mission of helping you understand the scope, dependencies, complexity and risks that may be associated with your software migration project.


Techcrunch - How open source software took over the world

It was just five years ago that there was an ample dose of skepticism from investors about the viability of open source as a business model. The common thesis was that Red Hat was a snowflake and that no other open-source company would be significant in the software universe. So, why did this movement that once represented the bleeding edge of software become the hot place to be? There are a number of fundamental changes that have advanced open-source businesses and their prospects in the market.

À propos de l'auteur

Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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