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Update: Check out our Storage Tutorial with members of the Ceph team right here

If you have ever wanted to know how Ceph, the massively scalable, open source, software-defined storage system, can radically improve the economics and management of data storage for your enterprise, Ceph Days is your opportunity to do so.

Hosted by the Ceph community (and our friends) in select cities worldwide, Ceph Days are day-long events dedicated to fostering our vibrant community. You’ll hear from Ceph experts, community members, vendors, and perhaps most interesting of all, from production users of Ceph who will share what they have learned from their deployments. IMG_0790 You’ll learn about the future of storage, how leading enterprises are creating cutting-edge distribution systems, and how to get the lowest cost per gig for your storage solution. You’ll get best practices and use cases. You will receive technical details of Ceph components as well as insights into joining and evolving within the Ceph community. And, at the end of the day, we invite you to join us for a Q&A session and a cocktail reception where you can network with attendees and chat with the speakers.


What is Ceph Day? What can I expect?
Ceph Day is a one-day event with a series of high-level presentations. In the morning, the focus is on an introduction to Ceph: what it is, how it evolved, how the community has evolved, how to get involved. In the afternoon, a series of community members offer presentations on why they chose Ceph and how they are using it.

Who typically attends? And who will I have an opportunity to meet?
There is a range of attendees, from Systems Administration to System Engineers and App Engineers.

While the entire day is a highly interactive experience, the Q&A at the end of the day – where all the presenters return to answer questions – and the cocktail reception provide an outstanding opportunity to engage both with speakers and your fellow attendees.

How will I benefit from Ceph Day? What will I come away with?

  • You’ll learn best practices.
  • You’ll have an opportunity to network, swap war stories, and exchange insights and ideas.
  • You’ll learn to deploy Ceph in new ways. And if your experience is like the typical attendee, in better ways.

Where can I learn more about Ceph as a community?
Visit the Ceph community at Ceph.com/community.

Where can I attend Ceph days?
Past sessions were held in cites including London, New York, and Paris. Upcoming sessions are:

Dogpatch Studios
San Francisco, CA
March 12, 2015
Register today

Tobacco Theater
Amsterdam, Netherlands
March 31, 2015
Register today

Axica Theater
Berlin, Germany
April 28, 2015
Register today

À propos de l'auteur


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