Abonnez-vous au flux

Next week from 16-17 November, many of us are heading to Barcelona for DockerCon Europe 2015. If you're heading to Barcelona as well, you can learn how developers, dceu15_hero operations, DevOps and sysadmins are using Linux containers. From use cases to roadmaps to tutorials and advanced technical
talks, DockerCon will offer attendees a deep dive into the technology.

Vincent Batts in the Community Theatre

The Community Theater is an exciting addition to DockerCon EU. Located in the Expo Hall, the Community Theater will have 16 sessions over the 2 days given by various community members, including Red Hatter Vincent Batts:

What What is it we want in containers anyways?

Containers are all the rave. Hype and standards and loads of interest from big
to small. The common theme is, everyone sees something about containers that solves a use-case of theirs. In this talk, Vincent Batts will cover the basics of where containers are today, the importance of standards and what that enables for container adoption, and gaps still to improve on.

When 11:20-11:35 PM (UTC+01:00)
Where Community Theater in the Expo Hall

Stop by Booth #11

hat-157269_1280 If you don't get all your questions answered, you can visit us at booth #11. You can ask about securing container-based apps, standards, related open source projects such as Kubernetes, Docker, Project Atomic, and more. We'll show you what to look for to support your container-based infrastructure, and you can get a demo of Atomic Enterprise Platform public preview and OpenShift Enterprise. And, you might even get your own lightweight Red Hat Fedora.

For more information about DockerCon Europe, visit http://europe-2015.dockercon.com/.

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