Modern application development can be complex - fraught with disparate development systems and environments as well as distributed teams. As organizations increasingly turn their focus to data-driven intelligent applications, this complexity grows. AI-enabled applications require added data shaping capabilities and the flexibility to run centrally or at the edge. Enhancing the AI developer experience is paramount to delivering better and safer user experiences.
To create a unified experience for developers across teams and infrastructure, Deloitte and Red Hat are announcing an expanded collaboration, building Red Hat Developer Hub into the core of the Deloitte Engineering platform. Deloitte customers will now have access to a customized, all-in-one platform for developers, helping to accelerate development cycles, boost efficiency and empower teams to focus on creating enhanced user experiences.
Customized, complete development platform
Red Hat Developer Hub, based on the open source project Backstage, is a complete development platform with defined templates, extensible pre-built plug-ins for common tools, and the ability to create tailored plug-ins by need, documentation, resources and APIs to streamline operations and improve productivity.
Bringing Red Hat Developer Hub to Deloitte’s Engineering platform will enable platform engineers to create a tailored developer experience for their organizations, facilitating self-service software development with Kubernetes and cloud solutions. The platform brings together Red Hat’s deep expertise in open source technology with Deloitte’s industry service experience to offer a solution that consolidates developer tools and streamlines application development.
Additionally, as developers accelerate their workflows, historically this can make it harder to keep up with needed security and compliance requirements. Balancing innovation with rigorous security is essential for Deloitte customers, particularly those in the public sector. With Red Hat Developer Hub’s integrated security features, these organizations can be confident that even as development cycles are accelerated, applications remain compliant with stringent standards.
Streamlining development globally
By working together, Red Hat and Deloitte have the potential to accelerate the application development processes for their joint clients by creating a central place for developers - reducing tools sprawl burden from dozens of tools across teams to one core stack with a singular portal to find these tools.
Additionally, this solution will simplify organizations’ onboarding process and reduce cognitive load. With self-service onboarding, developers can get ramped up and go from zero to productive in just a few hours – a process that previously took weeks.. Additionally, the built-in templates in Red Hat Developer Hub enable developers to scaffold and deploy entire environments with just a few clicks, reducing the time to market by as much as 30%.
Deloitte’s collaboration with Red Hat Developer Hub is shaping the future of developer experiences, helping accelerate time to market, increase security and provide a seamless, integrated platform for developers everywhere.
Learn more about Deloitte’s Developer Experience here.
À propos des auteurs
Adam Sykes is an Engineering leader at Deloitte, specializing in developing Cloud-based Developer Platforms and enhancing the overall Developer Experience for enterprises. He supports clients in both Government and Commercial sectors, aiming to expedite processes and create positive working environments for developers.
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