Abonnez-vous au flux

Nothing is more important than community—so we created a space for all of us. Meet the Red Hat pop-up experience.

Red Hat virtual pop-up mockup Why create a pop-up? Because virtually, we can think outside the expo floor by making an experience that’s memorable, shareable, and fun—and most importantly, useful and engaging. 

We know that our users and customers are looking for more information about enterprise open source technologies and how to use them for real-world workloads. Delivering that information in person is one of the highlights of being at Red Hat—but now, we embraced the opportunity to reach the open source community from all over the world through a first-of-its-kind online experience.

Our favorite part? It’s available to everyone—anytime, anywhere. (Computer and Internet connection required…)

Here’s what you can look forward to at the Red Hat pop-up experience: 

  • Demo area: Learn more about hybrid cloud, automation, cloud-native app development, our commitment to open source, and open technologies for every industry through:

    • Free e-books, guides, datasheets, overviews, and more.

    • Inspiring and educational demo videos.

    • Follow-up opportunities to speak directly to experts about Red Hat products and solutions.

  • Networking lounge: Join and engage with a digital community of peers from all over the world. You can even connect with Red Hatters during our office hours.

  • Open Source Arcade: Play games built with open source software, and learn about the tools developers used to create them.

    • Command Line Heroes BASH: Test your command line skills.

    • Pod Escape: Your project is being deleted—help a pod escape from a disappearing digital landscape.

    • Pity About Earth: Protect the planet from the dangers of space. 

    • Open Jam: Sign up for our annual, weekend-long open source game jam to create open source games using freely available development tools. 

  • Theater: Get a taste of Red Hat in under 10 minutes through five easy-to-watch videos. 

  • Swag: Request swag be sent to your door. (Shipping is only available in the United States and quantities vary by month.)

Now that you’re in the know, visit the Red Hat pop-up experience and be sure to return—we’ll be updating and adding content over time. 

We can’t wait to see you there.


Parcourir par canal

automation icon


Les dernières nouveautés en matière d'automatisation informatique pour les technologies, les équipes et les environnements

AI icon

Intelligence artificielle

Actualité sur les plateformes qui permettent aux clients d'exécuter des charges de travail d'IA sur tout type d'environnement

open hybrid cloud icon

Cloud hybride ouvert

Découvrez comment créer un avenir flexible grâce au cloud hybride

security icon


Les dernières actualités sur la façon dont nous réduisons les risques dans tous les environnements et technologies

edge icon

Edge computing

Actualité sur les plateformes qui simplifient les opérations en périphérie

Infrastructure icon


Les dernières nouveautés sur la plateforme Linux d'entreprise leader au monde

application development icon


À l’intérieur de nos solutions aux défis d’application les plus difficiles

Original series icon

Programmes originaux

Histoires passionnantes de créateurs et de leaders de technologies d'entreprise