Abonnez-vous au flux

We are pleased to announce the beta release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9, the latest version of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 platform. With more than six years of field-proven success, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 offers a more secure, stable and reliable foundation for the modern enterprise.

While prioritizing ongoing stability and security features for critical platform deployments, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 Beta also supports the next generation of cloud-native applications through an updated Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 base image. The Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 Beta base image enables customers to migrate their existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 workloads into container-based applications - suitable for deployment on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Atomic Host, and Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 beta is now available to all customers with an active Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscription.

In addition, as Red Hat Enterprise Linux subscriptions are not tied to a particular release, existing customers may also elect to update their Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 infrastructure to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 at any time, free of charge, to take advantage of recent upstream innovations. Red Hat simplifies the upgrade to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7, through the Preupgrade Assistant and Red Hat Update Tool.

To review a full list of what has been updated with the release of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.9 beta, please visit: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/

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