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Red Hat and Intel have a long history of collaboration, working together to deliver state-of-the-art performance, flexibility, and reliability to the enterprise datacenter. For more than a decade, beginning with support of x86 architecture in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1, Red Hat and Intel have consistently collaborated to advance not only open source, but to also take computing and processing in general to new heights, culminating in Red Hat’s position as the premier Linux provider on x86 architectures. Yesterday, Intel launched the Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 processor family. Red Hat Enterprise Linux’s immediate support for hardware running Intel’s new processors, combined with several new world records on industry-standard benchmarks mark yet another milestone in our relationship.

Specifically, Red Hat Enterprise Linux set the following top benchmark results on various hardware platforms that are running the latest Intel Xeon processors:

  • Top two-processor Linux result on the two-tier SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) standard application benchmark running the SAP enhancement package 5 for the SAP ERP 6.0 application running on Cisco UCS B200 M3 blade server (1).
  • Best baseline floating point  throughput performance for all 2 processor on SPECfp_rate_base2006 benchmark running on Cisco UCS B200 M3 blade server (2).
  • Best baseline floating point performance for all 2 processor on SPECfp_base2006 benchmark running on Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX350 S8 (3).
  • Best baseline integer throughput performance for all 2 processor on SPECint_rate_base2006 benchmark running on Huawei Tecal E9000 CH121 (4).
  • Best virtualization performance on SPECvirt2013 benchmark with IBM x3650 M5 server (5).

Red Hat’s leadership on those benchmarks should not come as a surprise due to several new key hardware and software features available with Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 processor family and supported in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6, such as:

  • Improved memory architecture and increased memory bandwidth;
  • Physical cache and virtual storage architecture advancements; and
  • Lower power consumption.

We believe that the combination of stellar performance and support of the latest features and innovations, positions Red Hat Enterprise Linux as a top choice for demanding enterprise workloads across physical, virtual, or cloud installations. Moreover, the industry adoption of Red Hat Enterprise Linux for running and publishing standard benchmarks, such as those from SPEC and TPC, is growing.

Additionally, Red Hat Enterprise Linux was used in at least half of all TPC-H, SPEC CPU2006 and SPECvirt_sc2010 benchmark publications over the past two years (4). These benchmarks cover a broad spectrum of computing workloads ranging from decision support database operations to high-performance integer and floating point calculations to enterprise virtualization and demonstrate that OEM’s building systems based on x86 architecture trust the industry’s leading enterprise Linux platform to operate their hardware while it is being subjected to the heavy workloads common for these intense benchmarking environments.


As more and more servers are deployed running cloud environments, Red Hat remains committed to working with our broad ecosystem of partners and ISVs (independent software vendor) to extend the reliability, flexibility, and performance of Red Hat Enterprise Linux beyond physical systems. With support from key Red Hat partners, including Intel, Red Hat Enterprise Linux OpenStack Platform is also gaining a momentum with more than 4,000 compute servers and 13,000 applications currently certified.

SPEC and the benchmark name SPECvirt_sc are registered trademarks of the Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation. For more information about SPEC and it's benchmarks see www.spec.org, TPC is a trademark of the Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC). For more information about the TPC and it's benchmarks see www.tpc.org.

SAP and all SAP logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP AG in Germany and in several other countries. Sybase and Adaptive Server are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sybase, Inc. or its subsidiaries/affiliates. (R) indicates registration in the United States. Sybase is an SAP company.

(1) Results as of September 10, 2013. The two-tier SAP SD Standard Application Benchmark certified on a Cisco UCS B200 M3 server (2 processors / 24 cores / 48 threads) running SAP EHP5 for SAP ERP 6.0 with SAP Sybase ASE 15.7 on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4 achieved 9,510 SAP SD benchmark users and 52,030 SAPS. Certification number#: 2013021. Refer to www.sap.com/benchmark for additional details.
(2) As of September 10, 2013,  Cisco UCS B200 M3 blade server server posted SPECfp_rate_base2006 result of 681. Source: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/benchmarks/server/xeon-e5-2600-v2/xeon-e5-2600-v2-summary.html
(3) As of September 10, 2013, Fujitsu PRIMERGY RX350 S8 server posted SPECfp_base2006 result of 109. Source: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/benchmarks/server/xeon-e5-2600-v2/xeon-e5-2600-v2-summary.html  
(4) As of September 10, 2013, Huawei Tecal E9000 CH121 server posted SPECint_rate_base2006 result of 942. Source: http://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/benchmarks/server/xeon-e5-2600-v2/xeon-e5-2600-v2-summary.html  
(5) As of September 10, 2013, IBM  x3650 M5 server posted SPECvirt_SC2013 result of 947.0@ 53 Vms. Source: http://www.spec.org/virt_sc2013/results/specvirt_sc2013_perf.html
(6) Based on the data collected for two calendar years (from 09/2011 to 09/2013) using the following public resources:
TPC-H: http://bit.ly/15dEvj5
SPEC CPU2006: http://bit.ly/1evS7JT
SPECvirt_sc2010: http://www.spec.org/virt_sc2010/results/specvirt_sc2010_perf.html

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