Abonnez-vous au flux

Today, Red Hat posted the official agenda for the Red Hat Summit and JBoss World in Chicago, Sept. 1-4, 2009. The jam-packed agenda features six tracks and keynotes from Red Hat’s Jim Whitehurst, Paul Cormier, Brian Stevens, and the NYSE’s Steve Rubinow, to help you get the most out of your trip.

Want to learn about the latest in open source virtualization, infrastructure, security, messaging and desktop technology? Check out the What’s New track!

Want to be the first to know what’s in the works from Red Hat and industry partners? The What’s Next track has you covered!

Are you an IT professional looking for additional ways to optimize your open source investment? Decoding the Code is for you!

Looking to reduce IT costs and increase your competitive edge through open source? Check out the Carve out Costs track!

Do you need an open source strategy to help give your IT ecosystem a competitive edge? The “Red Hat Security Advisory Secrets Revealed!” session on the Open Source for IT Leaders track is just one way we’ll show you how open source can provide a more secure option as your organization grows.

Still wondering how Red Hat can transform your business? We’ve got a track just for you! The Red Hat in Reality track gives you the chance to learn best practices and experience demos of open source solutions that can give your business a competitive advantage in the real world.

To see the full agenda and abstracts of each Red Hat Summit and JBoss World session, visit here.

To learn more about the 2009 Red Hat Summit and JBoss World in Chicago, visit here.

We hope to see you in Chicago!

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