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Editor’s note: Matt Hicks, Red Hat's president and chief executive officer, shared the following email with Red Hat associates today.

Red Hatters,

As I've watched the atrocities in Israel unfold, I wanted to share my deepest sympathy with our associates and express our commitment and solidarity with the Red Hatters suffering from this conflict. Just last week, I was discussing with a close friend how much I was looking forward to getting back to Ra'anana to see our team. It's unthinkable how, over the span of a few days, a violent terrorist act has impacted the world.

Right now, we are focused on supporting our associates and their families. We are still coming to grips with the impact of the violence, associates being called back into service, and finding the best way to provide our support. The reverberations of this terrorist act will be lasting, but if there is anything I've learned from visiting with and working with our team in Ra'anana and Tel Aviv, it's that our team there defines strength. We are here to stand with you in this time, to condemn acts of terrorism and violence, and to help support you however we can.

The safety and well-being of our associates and their families come first, and we are working with Israel associates and management to deliver additional support and flexibility during this time. 

Following are ways you can support our colleagues in Israel. You can find a fuller list of support resources and actions we’re taking for our Israel-based associates on our Source page. 

We’ll keep this page up to date as we learn more, and we’ve shared additional details directly with our associates in Israel and their managers. In the meantime, please join me in extending your support to our colleagues. 




We’re encouraging associates to use the matching gift program to make a contribution to the humanitarian aid organization of their choice. Red Hat will match gifts of US $25 or more, up to US $1,500 (per employee, per year). 

We recommend supporting Magen David Adom (MDA), which is Israel’s national ambulance, blood-services, and disaster-relief organization, serving as emergency medical first responders.


With our Volunteer time off (VTO), all Red Hat associates are provided up to 2 paid volunteer days per calendar year, which can be used to participate in recognized volunteer events and activities. Once you have completed volunteering, use the matching program to track your time and receive rewards for your donations. Red Hat awards associates $15 USD for each volunteer hour logged with an eligible cause, which can be donated to any eligible cause, including the cause you volunteered with.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides access to counseling and support at no cost to you. The EAP hotline is staffed 24/7 by experienced clinicians who provide real-time confidential support to you, your spouse, your partner, and/or dependent children. Visit the “Access services” tab for a country-specific contacts list. Additionally, all associates can access the (English language) on-demand recording of “Coping with a Crisis or Traumatic Event.”



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