Abonnez-vous au flux

On December 11, Red Hat made waves in the tech world with the beta launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. Representing Red Hat’s vision for not just the future of Red Hat Enterprise Linux but enterprise IT in general, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 beta delivers a powerful, flexible platform that meets the needs of businesses today while also offering a clear path to the open hybrid cloud.

All of that being said, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 beta introduces a host of new, enhanced and improved features, from Linux Container technology to hosted and in-place upgrades to filesystem updates. While these are good things for IT, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the multitude of capabilities, like a child staring at a pile of holiday gifts. We’re here to help.

Over the coming weeks and months, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux Blog will break down the key features of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 beta, focusing on:

  • How Red Hat Enterprise Linux is far more than just a simple operating system and what makes it a launchpad for the future of IT and a foundation for next generation solutions
  • What makes Red Hat Enterprise Linux synonymous with stability, creating an ideal platform for even the most critical business applications
  • Why Red Hat Enterprise Linux simplifies Linux implementations and both management and maintenance

So stay tuned, and be sure to take the beta of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 for a spin. We built this platform with you, the user, in mind, and we want to hear your thoughts.

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