Abonnez-vous au flux

Every month there are a multitude of industry events taking place across the globe. We thought you might like to know some of the events that Red Hat is planning to attend so you can come see us, talk to us and hear our latest news. This September, Red Hat will have a presence at over 15 events across North America, nearly 10 events in EMEA and more in APAC and Latin America too. Here are some highlights.

North America

On September 17, you can find us at High Performance on Wall Street in New York, NY. Come hear Tim Burke speak about “Composite Architectures: High Performance and Low Latency,” where you can learn how open source is driving technologies for composite architectures providing the best of high performance and low latency to create competitive training advantages. Speak with Rod Nayfield, Tim Burke and Subhendu Ghosh at the Red Hat booth #207.

We’ll also be attending the Virtualization Executive Forum September 24-25 in New York, NY. Here you can speak with Nick Carr, Joel Berman and Andy Cathrow at the Red Hat kiosk. Joel Berman will also be participating in the Forum’s vendor-crossfire panel, discussing x86 server virtualization on September 24 at 10:15am.

Other September events in North America:

See more Red Hat North American events here.


See more on Red Hat EMEA events here.


This September, you can join Red Hat for “Open Source Virtualization with Red Hat,” an in-depth session about virtualization on open standards in a number of different areas throughout APAC. During this event, IT professionals, or anyone else who’s interested, can find out how to reap the rewards of virtualization without getting locked into proprietary standards and hefty licensing fees. This is for those who want do more with less through innovation.

  • September 11, 2007 – Melbourne, Australia
  • September 13, 2007 – Brisbane, Australia
  • September 18, 2007 – Canberra, Australia
  • September 20, 2007 – Sydney, Australia

For more Red Hat APAC events, visit here.

Latin America

To find out more information on speaking with a Red Hat spokesperson at any of the listed events, email press@redhat.com.

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