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At last year’s Red Hat Summit in San Francisco, we talked about how Eclipse Che was becoming an important part of our developer tools strategy. A few weeks ago, you saw that come to life with the introduction of OpenShift.io, which includes Eclipse Che. Today, I’m excited to announce that we’ve taken the next step in that journey and have entered into an agreement to purchase Codenvy, the company behind Eclipse Che.

Codenvy started Eclipse Che in 2014 by exporting and open sourcing their cloud kernel. It has since grown in popularity with more than 100 contributors, more than 4,000 GitHub stars, and 1 million usage hours / month. With this acquisition, Eclipse Che and the Codenvy enhancements will become central to Red Hat’s developer tooling strategy.

Codenvy is much more than a cloud IDE. At the heart of Codenvy’s technology is a workspace management system that allows developers to get up and running instantly without the need to setup a local development environment.

This container-based workspace approach reduces the time it takes developers to get started and minimizes the risk of inconsistencies between development and production environments. By extending this workspace management technology and incorporating it into our developer tools and platforms, we help ensure that every developer is working with the correct technology stacks, across the entire team, with the click of a button.

This workspace approach also makes working with containers easier for developers. It removes the need to setup local VMs and docker instances enabling developers to create multi-container development environments without ever typing docker commands or editing kubernetes files. This is one of the biggest pain points we hear from customers and we think that this has huge potential for simplifying the developer experience.

With the acquisition we plan to incorporate Codenvy into future developer tooling built for Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat’s award-winning container application platform. This further enhances OpenShift’s developer experience and will enable developers to create container based applications across private and public clouds.

We are very excited to have Codenvy joining the Red Hat family and we can’t wait to put their technology in the hands of our customers.

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