
Business Optimizer: “I bet you I’m better than a human”

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Business Optimizer: "I bet you I’m better than a human"

Constraint solving, often an overlooked technique within artificial intelligence (AI), can be used to optimize solutions with limited resources such as employees, assets, time, and money. To simplify this complex task, you need to model your resources and constraints in a straightforward way and use various advanced algorithms to generate a solution.

Join this interactive webinar to hear how Red Hat® Business Optimizer has helped businesses with constraint solving. After a brief introduction to Business Optimizer, we'll look at how it can be applied with these use cases:

Employee rostering—scheduling personnel, such as nurses or service personnel, with the appropriate availability and skills for 24-hour coverage

Vehicle routing—planning vehicles, such as trucks, trains, boats, or airplanes with freight or people

Task assignment—making assignments that maximize the efficiency of people, skills, deadlines, and other task constraints   

Defeating gerrymandering—creating unbiased maps for legislative districts


Event date: Wednesday, September 12, 2018 | 11 a.m. ET

On-demand date: Available for one year afterward


Justin Goldsmith

technical consulting architect, Red Hat

Justin Goldsmith, a consulting architect in Red Hat’s Financial Services practice, has worked extensively with Red Hat® business automation technologies. He has successfully built a multitude of applications for clients based on business rules, processes, and constraint optimization. Justin focuses on continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) and DevOps, emphasizing automation benefits in each step of the software development life cycle. His diverse project background gives him a unique perspective helping his clients build sustainable applications that meet business objectives.