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Red Hat will be sponsoring and members of the OpenShift team will be present as LinuxCon, CloudOpen and ContainerCon North America come together in Seattle in August.

LinuxCon: There's simply no other event in North America where developers, sys admins, architects and all levels of technical talent gather together under one roof for education, collaboration and problem-solving to further the Linux platform.

CloudOpen is the only event providing space for education and collaboration designed specifically to advance the open cloud.

Ryan Jarvinen will be giving a talk on "Open Platforms for Federated Futures" on August 18 at 4 pm.

ContainerCon gathers leading contributors in Linux containers, the Linux kernel, and related projects to forge a path to continued innovation and education.

Don't miss "Docker: Develop and Deploy" on August 19 at 3 pm.


Date: August 17-19

Location: Seattle, Washington

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