
What is JBoss Enterprise Application Platform MicroProfile Extension Pack?

이 동영상 정보

Learn what JBoss Enterprise Application Platform MicroProfile Extension Pack (XP) is and how to use it. This video will walk you through installing MicroProfile XP 1.0.0 on JBoss EAP 7.3.1 then deploy microservice apps on top of the JBoss EAP XP server and OpenShift Container Platform 4. In the end, you will understand what benefits of Microprofile Extension Pack you have with JBoss EAP server.

Red Hat JBoss® Enterprise Application Platform is part of Red Hat® Runtimes, a set of products, tools, and components to build and manage cloud-based applications. It provides lightweight runtimes and frameworks for highly-distributed cloud architectures like microservices.

Learn more: https://www.redhat.com/en/products/runtimes

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