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Design and planning for 6G communication solutions are in the early stages, and the standards and technology are already evolving. Watching 6G developments, it is impossible not to be excited about the future of communication. This article shares some fundamental guidelines that will help the industry prepare for the next generation of wireless networks and keep an eye on the business side—weighing the investments needed versus their potential returns.

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Focus on speed and latency

6G networks are expected to provide faster data speeds and lower latency than previous generations of wireless networks. It is assumed that 6G will be enabled with open, flexible, decentralized, cloudified, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML)-driven architecture with efficient spectrum-sharing models. To achieve this, we must design solutions that can handle high volumes of data traffic with sufficient bandwidth to support emerging applications in areas including the following.

  1. Autonomous vehicles: 6G networks can enable ultra-low latency connections between autonomous vehicles and their backends and supportive functions in the cloud, allowing for real-time communication, intelligent control, and value-added services. This can improve the safety and efficiency of autonomous vehicles and enhance user experience.
    • The potential return on investment (ROI) for businesses using autonomous vehicles can be significant due to reduced labor costs, increased efficiency, and improved customer satisfaction. The ROI time frame can vary depending on the fleet's volume and the potential market coverage.
  2. Telemedicine: 6G networks can enable high-quality video streaming and real-time communication between patients and healthcare providers. This can improve patient outcomes, reduce costs, and increase access to care. Telemedicine can be particularly beneficial in rural or underserved areas with limited access to healthcare.
    • The potential ROI for telemedicine can be significant in terms of reduced healthcare costs, improved patient outcomes, and increased revenue for healthcare providers. The ROI time frame can vary depending on the targeted use case and the level of advancements required.
  3. Industrial automation: 6G networks can enable real-time communication between machines and the cloud, allowing real-time control and monitoring of industrial processes. This can improve efficiency, reduce downtime, and increase productivity.
    • The potential ROI for industrial automation can be significant due to reduced labor costs, increased efficiency, and improved product quality. The ROI time frame can vary depending on the complexity of the use case and the level of integrations required.
  4. Gaming and entertainment: 6G networks can enable high-quality streaming of immersive gaming and entertainment content. This can enhance the user experience, increase engagement, and drive revenue for gaming and entertainment companies.
    • The potential ROI for gaming and entertainment can be significant with increased revenue from advertising, subscriptions, and in-app purchases. The ROI time frame can vary depending on the specific genre and demand from the consumer base.

When considering the total cost of ownership for these low-latency applications, you must factor in both the costs of building and maintaining the network infrastructure and of implementing and supporting the specific use case.

Depending on the specific use case, businesses may choose to use service-aware private clouds, public clouds, or a combination of both (hybrid cloud). The choice of cloud platform(s) will depend on various factors, including security, performance, scalability, cost, and the associated industry or geographical regulations.

Leverage mmWave technology

A key technology that can enable and boost 6G solutions is millimeter-wave (mmWave) technology.

  1. mmWave frequencies operate in the range of 300GHz to 3THz, much higher than the frequencies used in previous generations of wireless networks. This higher frequency allows much greater bandwidth and data transfer rates that are essential for delivering the high-speed and low-latency connections expected from 6G.
  2. mmWave technology offers the potential for greater spatial resolution and directional control of wireless signals. This means it can be used for applications such as beamforming, which can increase network capacity and reduce interference.
  3. mmWave frequencies can support many devices simultaneously, making it possible for 6G networks to support massive Internet of Things (IoT) deployments in smart cities, industrial applications, and other areas.
  4. mmWave technology can support emerging use cases like augmented and virtual reality and autonomous vehicles. These use cases require high-speed and low-latency connections, which are impossible with current wireless technologies.

However, there are also some challenges associated with mmWave technology. One main challenge is that these high frequencies have a much shorter range than lower frequency bands. This means mmWave networks require a high density of base stations and small cells to ensure sufficient coverage and capacity. Additionally, mmWave signals are more easily blocked by buildings and other obstacles, which can further limit their range.

Ultimately, mmWave technology is key for 6G networks because it delivers high-speed, low-latency connections; supports massive IoT deployments; and enables emerging use cases such as augmented and virtual reality and autonomous vehicles. While some challenges are associated with mmWave technology, its benefits make it a critical technology for 6G networks.

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Use network densification

As explained above, 6G wireless network planning requires higher network densification than previous generations of wireless networks. Network densification refers to deploying more cell sites, antennas, and small cells to increase the number of access points and provide better coverage and capacity.

For 6G networks, network densification is expected to be critical to support the increased data traffic, low latency, and higher bandwidth demands of emerging use cases. Network densification for 6G networks is essential for the following reasons:

  1. Increased capacity: Network densification increases the number of access points and network capacity, which enables it to handle more traffic and support more users.
  2. Improved coverage: By deploying more cell sites and small cells, network densification can improve coverage in areas where coverage may be limited, such as rural or remote areas.
  3. Reduced latency: Network densification can help reduce latency by reducing the distance between the user and the network. This is particularly important for applications that require real-time data transfer, such as autonomous vehicles and virtual reality.
  4. Improved network reliability: By providing more access points and redundancy, network densification can improve network reliability and reduce the risk of network downtime.

However, network densification can impact the total cost of ownership (TCO) and ROI for 6G networks. The costs associated with deploying additional cell sites, antennas, and small cells can be significant, and these costs need to be factored into the TCO. There may be additional costs associated with site acquisition, permitting, and backhaul infrastructure.

On the other hand, the potential ROI of network densification can be significant. By increasing network capacity and improving coverage, network densification can open new revenue streams and business opportunities for network operators. The ROI will depend on the specific use case and investment required. For example, network densification to support industrial automation or smart cities can offer significant ROI in terms of increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved safety.

In short, network densification is important for 6G networks because it can increase capacity, improve coverage, reduce latency, and improve network reliability. However, you must carefully consider the TCO and potential ROI associated with network densification when planning the deployment of 6G networks.

Invest in edge computing

Edge computing is a critical technology for 6G networks for several reasons:

  1. Edge computing can help reduce network latency by enabling data processing to occur closer to the source. This is critical for applications that require real-time processing, such as autonomous vehicles and industrial automation.
  2. Edge computing can help reduce the amount of data that needs to be transmitted over the network, reducing network congestion and improving overall network performance.
  3. Edge computing can help to improve network security by enabling sensitive data to be processed and stored locally rather than being transmitted over the network.

However, investing in edge computing can require significant capital and operational expenditures. Edge computing involves deploying computing resources, such as servers and storage, at the edge of the network, which can be costly. Edge computing also requires ongoing maintenance and management, which can be expensive.

When calculating the capital and operational expenditures associated with edge computing for 6G networks, consider the following factors:

  1. Hardware costs: Edge computing requires deploying computing resources, such as servers and storage, at the network edge. These hardware costs can be significant and will depend on the specific requirements of the use case.
  2. Software costs: Edge computing also requires software to manage and orchestrate the computing resources at the network's edge. These costs will depend on the specific software and its licensing model.
  3. Deployment costs: Deploying edge computing resources can also require site acquisition, installation, and other deployment costs.
  4. Ongoing operational costs: Edge computing requires ongoing maintenance and management, which can be expensive. These costs include power and cooling, software updates, and ongoing support.

When calculating the ROI for edge computing, it is important to consider the potential benefits that can be achieved, such as reduced network latency, improved network security, and increased efficiency. The ROI will depend on the specific use case and the level of investment required.

Hence, investing in edge computing is crucial for 6G networks as it can reduce network latency, improve network security, and reduce network congestion. However, it can require significant capital and operational expenditures, which must be carefully considered when planning the deployment of 6G networks.

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Prioritize security

As with any wireless network, security is critical. With 6G networks, there will be even more data flowing through the network, which means security will be an even more significant concern. Prioritizing security from the beginning of the 6G network design process is essential. This includes using encryption, implementing strong access controls, and regularly monitoring the network for potential security threats. Here are some of the major security concerns for 6G and existing wireless networks and some possible solutions for addressing them.

  1. Authentication and authorization: It is critical that only authorized users have access to the network and data. This can be achieved using strong authentication and authorization mechanisms, such as multifactor authentication and access control policies.
  2. Data privacy: With 6G networks expected to support a massive amount of data, it is critical to keep this data protected and private. This can be achieved with encryption, secure transmission protocols, and data privacy policies and controls.
  3. Network availability: 6G networks are expected to be critical infrastructure for a wide range of applications and services. As such, network availability is a significant concern. This can be addressed with redundancy and failover mechanisms to help keep the network secure and protected from cyberattacks.
  4. Cyberattacks: As with any network, 6G networks are at risk of cyberattacks, including distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks, malware, and other malicious activity. To address this concern, it is crucial to implement security measures including firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, and security information and event management solutions.
  5. Supply chain security: 6G networks will rely on a complex supply chain of vendors, equipment manufacturers, and service providers. Protecting the entire supply chain and eliminating any vulnerabilities that can be exploited is essential.
  6. User data protection: 6G networks are expected to handle a wide range of user data, including personal and sensitive information. It is crucial to protect this data and maintain user privacy.

To address these security concerns for 6G networks, it is essential to implement a holistic security strategy that includes technical and operational measures. These may include encryption, access control policies, security monitoring, and security training and awareness programs for employees and end users. It is also essential to work with industry partners and other stakeholders to develop best practices and standards for security in 6G networks. Finally, regular security assessments and audits can help identify and address vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

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Prepare for and innovate new use cases

6G networks will likely enable a range of new use cases, from autonomous vehicles to smart cities to telemedicine. To design networks that can support these new use cases, working closely with industry partners and other stakeholders is essential to understand their needs and requirements. Here are some potential new game changers for 6G.

  1. Holographic telepresence: 6G networks can enable high-quality, real-time holographic communication between individuals and groups, making it possible to create virtual meetings and events that feel like they are taking place in the same physical space.
  2. Smart cities: 6G networks can enable the deployment of smart city infrastructure, including connected sensors, cameras, and other devices that can collect and transmit data in real time. This can improve city services, reduce traffic congestion, and improve public safety.
  3. Digital twins: 6G networks can enable the creation of digital twins of physical objects, such as machines, buildings, and even entire cities. These digital twins can monitor and optimize performance, reduce downtime, and improve efficiency.
  4. Autonomous-X: 6G networks can enable ultra-low latency connections between autonomous everything and the cloud, making it possible to control and monitor in real time. This can improve safety, reduce congestion, and increase efficiency. X can be a vertical solution or a product, such as:
    • Vehicles in personal or commercial transportation
    • Logistics in goods with lifetime and climate control
    • Care for human, personal, or living stock
    • Agriculture in mass planting, fertilizing, watering, and harvesting
  5. Virtual and augmented reality: 6G networks can enable high-quality, real-time streaming of virtual and augmented reality content, enabling immersive experiences for gaming, education, and other applications.

These new use cases have the potential to revolutionize our lives and businesses by improving efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing the user experience and quality of life by saving our most precious gem (time) for the true deservers (our most loved ones).


Designing 6G networks requires a focus on data speed and latency that leverages mmWave technology, network densification, edge computing, security, and new use cases. While 6G networks are still in their early stages of development, following these general guidelines will help prepare your business and operations to support the next generation of wireless technology.

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