피드 구독

In the Fedora Project community, we look at open source as not only code that can change how we interact with computers, but also as a way for us to positively influence and shape the future. The more hands that help shape a project, the more ideas, viewpoints and experiences the project represents — that’s truly what the spirit of open source is built from.

But it’s not just the global contributors to the Fedora Project who feel this way. Today, I’m pleased to say that Fedora Linux has been recognized as a digital public good by the Digital Public Goods Alliance (DPGA), a significant achievement and a testament to the openness and inclusivity of the project.

Open_People-Blog-thumbnail-1_0.png The DPGA defines a digital public good as:

  • Open source software

  • Open data

  • Open AI models

  • Open standards

  • Open content

All digital public goods must adhere to privacy and other applicable laws and best practices and help attain the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Projects recognized as a digital public good must also meet the DPG Standard to illustrate they truly encapsulate open source principles.

I could not be prouder to be a part of Fedora than I am today. The recognition as a digital public good helps to show that Fedora Linux is built in an environment that encourages the technology to belong to everyone. We want Fedora to be universally accessible and usable by people in all walks of life — whether it’s a start-up developer in a metropolis or a student in a developing nation. 

The Digital Public Goods Alliance is a multi-stakeholder initiative endorsed by the United Nations Secretary-General, working to accelerate the attainment of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in low- and middle-income countries by facilitating the discovery, development, use of and investment in digital public goods.

Want to check out the newest digital public good for yourself? Find Fedora Linux on the DPG Registry. If you want to be a part of driving Fedora Linux forward, consider joining the community at https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Join.

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