피드 구독

The rapid adoption of technology across industries and enterprises has led to a growing skills gap in the tech workforce. This is a major challenge for businesses and governments, as it can make it difficult to find qualified employees to fill open positions.

Red Hat Academy is a program designed to close the tech skills gap by collaborating with academic institutions and providing the future IT workforce with access to Red Hat's extensive training courses. Through Red Hat Academy, students can learn about a variety of open source tech, including system administration, cloud computing, devops, middleware and automation.

The impact of Red Hat Academy in Indonesia

In Indonesia, Red Hat Academy has had a significant impact on the tech industry. The program has trained thousands of students, many of whom have gone on to secure jobs in the open source field.

One of the most successful partnerships that Red Hat Academy has in Indonesia is with Al Azhar Indonesia University in Jakarta. This strategic partnership has provided students with access to the Red Hat Academy course content, hands-on lab, course attendance certificates and access to learning platforms and talent networks. Al Azhar Indonesia University has already trained over 200 students in various open source technologies such as system administration and OpenShift applications.

A photograph of the Red Hat Academy team in Indonesia

The success of Red Hat Academy in Indonesia is a testament to the need for such programs in developing countries. The tech industry is growing rapidly in Indonesia and there is a shortage of qualified IT professionals to meet the demand. Red Hat Academy is helping to bridge this gap by providing students with the skills they need to succeed in the tech industry.

In addition to training students, Red Hat Academy also provides them with opportunities to network with industry experts and get involved in the open source community. This helps students to gain practical experience and make connections that can help them in their careers.

"Seeing the engagement from our academies has been immensely gratifying.  Through our collaboration with the academies in Indonesia, we are committed to empowering both students and their instructors through comprehensive training in Red Hat and Open Source technologies skills. This strategic initiative aims to bolster Indonesia's industries by providing a skilled workforce, readily available to fuel growth in an intensely competitive landscape. The journey with Al Azhar Indonesia University Indonesia has been particularly inspiring." - Mr. Vikram Motiani, Senior Director, Global Learning Services (APAC)

Empowering tomorrow's tech leaders with Red Hat Academy

Red Hat Academy is committed to closing the tech skills gap and empowering the next generation of tech leaders. The program is having a significant impact in Indonesia and it is helping to prepare the country's youth for the jobs of the future.

The footprint of Rat Hat Academies spans across 22 countries in the Asia-Pacific region. In a partnership with over 1270+ institutions  and Universities, Red Hat Academy has trained and  empowered a staggering 18,000+ students this year, propelling them to the forefront of the tech industry. These graduates are not only gaining recognition for excelling on Red Hat technologies but many are also securing roles in open-source fields at renowned multinational companies. 

Here are some of the benefits of Red Hat Academy:

  • Offers comprehensive online courses in system administration, cloud computing, devops, middleware tech and automation management
  • Made available to aspiring IT talents without any cost barriers
  • Provides access to learning platform and talent network
  • Provides hands-on lab experience
  • Provides course attendance certificates
  • Helps students to network with industry experts
  • Helps students to get involved in the open source community

“Red Hat Academy is bridging skills and innovation through open source education, empowering learners for a future of collaborative tech excellence. Al Azhar University is just one of the many institutions that benefits from the Red Hat Academy, as it provides students with numerous opportunities to learn valuable skills, earn certifications, and gain real-world experience. This prepares them for successful careers in the IT industry." - Denny Hermawan, S.T., M.Kom Head of Informatics Study Program, Red Hat Academy Instructor

Looking ahead: Scaling new heights

As the Red Hat Academy team celebrates the success achieved and the impact created, we remain focused on our mission of empowering students with the tools for creating a brighter, tech-driven future in Indonesia and around the world.

Join us in bridging the gap between education and industry by discovering more about Red Hat Academy today.

저자 소개

Vikram Motiani is the Senior Director, APAC Global Learning Services with 35 years of experience in the IT Industry, with leadership roles in public and private sector multinational organizations. He is very passionate about upskilling and as the head of the Red Hat Training & Certification business in APAC, leads and actively drives the client, partner and student enablement to empower the youth.

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