Cybersecurity continues to be a focal point for government agencies as they continue to develop IT strategies that include the deployment of new and existing workloads into cloud-based environments. At the same time, threats to these services, and the data that they process, continue to evolve with new exploits appearing on a regular basis. To maintain the performance and availability of applications and data, configurations that limit the ability for exploits to be successful must be in place.
2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™에서 리더로 선정된 Red Hat
Red Hat은 Gartner 2023 Magic Quadrant 컨테이너 관리 부문의 실행 능력 및 비전의 완성도에서 최고점을 획득했습니다.
Red Hat has a long history of working with government and defense agencies to configure Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) to meet certain rigorous requirements that aim to protect systems from malicious activity. This work includes development of SELinux, establishing Identity Management standards, and the development and publication of several security configuration profiles used by various industries.
We are pleased to announce that, in collaboration with Red Hat, the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has published a Secure Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) for RHEL 8. The STIG consists of more than 300 security controls including configuration settings that map to new features that were included in RHEL 8.
The STIG enables customers in government or military organizations to deploy RHEL 8 in accordance with an approved security baseline profile and further drive innovation across their environments.
RHEL 8 includes the SCAP Security Guide which includes several security profiles, including the DISA STIG profile. With the SCAP Security Guide, customers can automate the configuration of security controls as part of a RHEL deployment or perform periodic scans and automated remediation of any findings post-deployment.
The RHEL 8 STIG is available for download on DISA’s Cyber Exchange website at STIGs Document Library. Just filter the list for Operating Systems and then UNIX/Linux.
Red Hat offers security-focused courses as a part of the RHEL Skills Path. These courses can offer you additional guidance on how to configure security controls.
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Red Hat은 Linux, 클라우드, 컨테이너, 쿠버네티스 등을 포함한 글로벌 엔터프라이즈 오픈소스 솔루션 공급업체입니다. Red Hat은 코어 데이터센터에서 네트워크 엣지에 이르기까지 다양한 플랫폼과 환경에서 기업의 업무 편의성을 높여 주는 강화된 기능의 솔루션을 제공합니다.