I’ve been spending a fair amount of time researching secrets management with OpenShift. The interest started with the IBM Vault Plugin for Argo CD, which allows us to store placeholders for Secrets in Git. But, when used with the OpenShift GitOps operator, a fair amount of configuration and maintenance is required. I asked other co-workers to join in a roundtable to discuss secrets management and surrounding tooling. Among the leading interest in this space was Kubernetes External Secrets (External Secrets) and so the journey began to start implementing each tool and comparing these not only at a platform level, but also with consideration for GitOps and Argo CD. At no point is a single solution being proposed as the best path forward for every use case. Development and operation requirements must be considered along with the pros and cons of each tool in mind. This proof of concept is based on a Hashicorp Vault back end, as I have utilized this tool with several customers recently.
What are External Secrets?
External Secrets extends the Kubernetes API vi an ExternalSecrets object + a controller. In short, the ExternalSecret object declares how and where to fetch the secret data from the external source, and in turn, the controller converts that resource into a secret in the namespace for which the ExternalSecret is created. In the case of GitOps, utilizing external-secrets allows you to store the ExternalSecret in Git without exposing the sensitive asset in Git or in the GitOps tool (Argo, Flux, etc). In the case of application consumption of secrets, pods are still able to utilize secrets just as they normally would. The External Secrets controller creates the secret based on the ExternalSecrets manifest. Everybody knows the rules... NO SECRETS IN GIT! Utilizing External Secrets allows us to abide by by these rules.
Assumptions for this Demo
- Access to a working OpenShift cluster. If a Cluster is not available, Code Ready Containers can be utilized for this exercise.
- A Hashicorp Vault implementation. In the demo, dev mode is utilized which deploys a single pod instance. "Dev mode" is not meant for production and should not be run outside of sandbox or development environment
- A secret to store.
Deploying External Secrets is an incredibly simple process consisting of installing the tooling and creating your ExternalSecret manifest based on secrets management back end in use. Secrets management backends are not limited to Hashicorp Vault as External Secrets supports a number of providers. A full list of supported backends can be found here
A large portion of this demo will revolve around configuring Vault. We will touch on the basic concepts, but not dive into the advanced configuration options available.
Assuming an OpenShift cluster or CRC is available and you are currently logged in, create 2 projects: one for external secrets and one for the dev vault instance. We will also add Helm repositories for each of the two tools.
Lets Create the projects and add the Helm repositories
oc new-project external-secrets
helm repo add external-secrets
oc new-project vault
helm repo add hashicorp
Configuring Vault
When utilizing Vault as a secrets manager back end to store secrets, we can consider the steps below for a working implementation. Sealing and unsealing the Vault is out of scope for the demo as the Vault will be unsealed when installed using "Dev Mode". We are installing Vault from a Helm chart without the use of the Vault Agent Injector. I’m approaching this to concentrate on the strengths of External Secrets and the ability to allow the tooling to handle secrets without additional injection. Only a single vault-0
pod will start as an ephemeral Vault instance.
Change into the vault
project and deploy Vault using Helm.
oc project vault
helm upgrade -i -n vault vault hashicorp/vault --set "global.openshift=true" --set "" --set="injector.enabled=false" --set=""
NAME: vault
LAST DEPLOYED: Thu Sep 16 12:10:00 2021
STATUS: deployed
Thank you for installing HashiCorp Vault!
Now that you have deployed Vault, you should look over the docs on using Vault with Kubernetes available here:
We begin our journey with Vault by first enabling an authentication method and later, we will configure namespace and service account access. Because we are using a Dev environment, we will implement these configurations at the pod level utilizing oc rsh
to access our Vault pod.
In particular, following steps will be performed:
- Enable Kubernetes authentication.
- Configure authentication to utilize the pod service account token and cert of the k8s host.
- Create a secret.
- Create a Vault Policy to access the secret (or secret path.)
- Create a role to associate with the policy created earlier.
Step 0. Execute a remote shell session (rsh) to the Vault pod
oc rsh vault-0
Step 1. Enable Kubernetes Auth (from within the pod)
vault auth enable kubernetes
Step 2. Configure our authentication to utilize the service account token mounted in the pod and certificate of the Kubernetes cluster.
vault write auth/kubernetes/config token_reviewer_jwt="$(cat /var/run/secrets/" kubernetes_host="https://$KUBERNETES_PORT_443_TCP_ADDR:443" kubernetes_ca_cert=@/var/run/secrets/ issuer=https://kubernetes.default.svc
Step 3. We will utilize the KV secrets engine and create a key:value pair password to store in our Vault.
vault kv put secret/vault-demo-secret1 username="phil" password="notverysecure"
Step 4. Create a policy (an hcl or JSON file) which defines the access allowed to the secrets path.
vault policy write pmodemo - << EOF
path "secret/data/vault-demo-secret1"
{ capabilities = ["read"]
Step 5. Create roles to associate the namespace and service account with the policy which was created earlier. Two roles will be created: one for the external secrets namespace and the other for testing later on. It is important to note that you will need to set the bound_service_account_names
and the service_account_namespaces
to those associated with the Deployment (external-secrets
) or StatefulSet (vault
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/pmodemo1 bound_service_account_names=vault bound_service_account_namespaces=vault policies=pmodemo ttl=60m
vault write auth/kubernetes/role/pmodemo bound_service_account_names=external-secrets-kubernetes-external-secrets bound_service_account_namespaces=external-secrets policies=pmodemo ttl=60m
At this point, we've enabled Kubernetes authentication, configured our auth, created a secret, policy, and role, and we should now be able to interact with the Vault API. Let's test this:
From the pod that will be accessing Vault, export the Service Account token. It is important to note here that if your pod is not mounting a service account token (automountServiceAccountToken: false
), you will not be able to utilize the Kubernetes Auth method.
OCP_TOKEN=$(cat /var/run/secrets/
Now, lets make a request to Vault to validate out setup:
wget --no-check-certificate -q -O- --post-data '{"jwt": "'"$OCP_TOKEN"'", "role": "pmodemo1"}' http://vault:8200/v1/auth/kubernetes/login
If a response similar to the above is displayed, Vault is installed and authentication is working. Now it is time to install and create an external secret! If you see an error, investigate the error appropriately. One of the most common errors is as follows:
- Error: connect EHOSTUNREACH = the vault endpoint env var in external secrets deployment is incorrect
- ERROR, namespace not authorized = the namespace is not set properly in the role
- ERROR, service account name not authorized = the service account is not proper in the role
- 403 permission denied = review your policy
External Secrets Deployment and Configuration**
Next, install and configure External Secrets:
oc project external-secrets
helm upgrade -i -n external-secrets external-secrets external-secrets/kubernetes-external-secrets --set "env.VAULT_ADDR=http://vault.vault.svc:8200"
The deployment of External Secrets relies on environment variables to configure where/how to reach the Vault API. This is set via the Helm value passed into the command above referencing the location of the Vault instance.
Let's now create the ExternalSecret manifest in a file called extsecret1.yml
to reference the secret created in Vault previously. We will need to specify the vaultMountPoint
and vaultRole
properties to refer to the location of the secret within Vault.
kind: ExternalSecret
name: exsecret1
namespace: vault
backendType: vault
- key: secret/data/vault-demo-secret1
name: password
property: password
vaultMountPoint: kubernetes
vaultRole: pmodemo
oc create -f extsecret1.yml
Check the Results
When we successfully create the ExternalSecret manifest, the External Secrets controller will create a Kubernetes Secret on the cluster containing the secret stored in Vault. So order of operations:
- ExternalSecret created
- Data pulled from Vault
- External Secret controller creates Kubernetes secret.
Only the Vault secret and the cluster secret should have the actual secret data. The ExternalSecret will contain just the reference.
oc get es -n vault
exsecret1 6s SUCCESS 22h
Finally, we can take a look at the secret that was created by the External Secrets controller as well as the data in the ExternalSecret. We see password data in the secret but not in the ExternalSecret, which allows us to store the ExternalSecret in Git without ever exposing the actual secret data.
oc -n vault get secrets exsecret1
exsecret1 Opaque 1 2m29s
oc -n vault get secret exsecret1 -o yaml
apiVersion: v1
password: bm90dmVyeXNlY3VyZQ==
kind: Secret
You can view the decoded secret data and compare it to the secret you setup earlier:
oc -n vault extract secret/exsecret1 --to=-
# password
And we can once again verify that there is no sensitive data in the ExternalSecret manifest which would present a risk when committed to a git repository:
backendType: vault
- key: secret/data/vault-demo-secret1
name: password
property: password
vaultMountPoint: kubernetes
vaultRole: pmodemo
It’s just that simple. In this demo, we setup an instance of Vault in "dev mode", enabled Kubernetes authentication, created a secret, a role and policy to manage access to the secret. We then created an ExternalSecret which holds the path to the sensitive data in Vault and allowed the controller to create the secret in OpenShift. One final reminder, in closing. Secrets are stored as an encoded value in etcd. To help protect secrets at rest, pursue encrypting etcd:
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