피드 구독

Red Hat is looking for a Gluster Community Manager! Are you prepared to lead an army of ants into the cloud?

Gluster Ant

The Job Description

The role of a community manager is simple enough to define: Help your community to be wildly successful, grow new users and contributors, and expose it to as many people as possible. For Gluster, that task involves promoting the adoption of GlusterFS and ensuring that the existing Gluster community has all of the tools and resources that it needs to continue to generate a high quality set of open source storage solutions.

The role requires a highly motivated individual, who is willing and prepared to do a lot of hands-on work. They'll need strong people skills, and be prepared to speak publicly on Gluster. In many ways, this role is how new users and contributors will interact with the Gluster Community for the first time, when they visit the Gluster table at a conference, or visit a Gluster BOF or meetup. The community manager is also responsible for coordinating marketing of the community, helping to promote the new features and technologies that they create, and to help it stand out amongst the crowd.

There is a fair amount of travel involved, the community manager needs to get the Gluster story out there, but you'll never be alone. You'll be part of the Open Source and Standards team at Red Hat, where other experienced community managers can help you learn the tricks to be successful. You'll also be working closely with the Red Hat Storage team, and of course, the fantastic Gluster community.

If you've got experience working with Storage technologies and are interested in helping open source to flourish in this space, this could be the perfect role for you!

For the full details and requirements of the position (and to apply for the opening), please go to:

Gluster Community Manager Opening at Red Hat Jobs

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