During Red Hat Summit, we invite a speaker who has shown inspiring leadership and insight to be the keynote speaker at our annual Women's Leadership Community Luncheon. This year, I'm pleased to announce that Stormy Peters, director of websites and developer engagement at Mozilla, will deliver the keynote at the 2015 Women's Leadership Community Luncheon.
As her bio states, Stormy is passionate about open source software, and she's known for her work educating companies and communities on how open source is changing the technology industry. We're honored to have her speak to Women's Leadership Community Luncheon attendees, who share her passion for open source.
Stormy's passion extends beyond her work at Mozilla. She is also an advisor for:
- the Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) project, which encourages the building of free and open source software to better humanity,
- IntraHealth Open, a non-profit organization promoting technology's use in healthcare and developing regions, and
- Open Source for America, which promotes use of open source software in the U.S. government.
In addition, Stormy is the founder and president of Kids on Computers, which helps set up computer labs in developing countries.
Stormy's work in open source spans her entire career. Prior to Mozilla, she was executive director of the GNOME Foundation, helping to create a free computing platform for the general public. Stormy also worked at OpenLogic, where she set up the company's OpenLogic Expert Community.
We're thrilled to host Stormy at this year's Women's Leadership Community Luncheon, and to hear more about her perspective on where open source has been, where it's going, and what the future holds for women in open source.
The Women's Leadership Community Luncheon will take place at Red Hat Summit 2015 in Boston on June 25. Attendance is free, though space is limited. Pre-register by sending an email to ITWomen-Lunch@redhat.com.
We hope to see you there!
- What: Women's Leadership Community Luncheon
- When: June 25, 2015, 11:50 am - 1:10 pm ET
- Where: Red Hat Summit 2015, Republic Ballroom at the Sheraton (near the entrance to the Hynes Convention Center)
- Register: ITWomen-Lunch@redhat.com
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