피드 구독

Enterprises are continually looking for ways to integrate a wide variety of applications and services into their business processes. At Red Hat, we are continually striving for ways to make it easier for them to do this and, simultaneously, propel them toward truly becoming intelligent, integrated enterprises.

To that end, we are happy to introduce the latest versions of our Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and data services platforms -- JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3. Along with the recently announced JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3, JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3 are leading open source solutions that offer a host of new features designed to make it easier for organizations to use data intelligently and develop integration solutions more effectively. These features include:

  • Integration with jBPM 5 in JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3 – The ESB and data virtualization capabilities of JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3 effectively integrate with the business process management capabilities of jBPM 5, a flexible, Java-based workflow engine featured in JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3. jBPM 5 greatly improves the visibility and agility of business logic. Together, these solutions allow organizations to build an agile process automation infrastructure – a key element of an intelligent, integrated enterprise.
  • Apache Camel integration – Apache Camel can now be integrated into the ESB, bringing the popular enterprise integration ecosystem to JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3.
  • Additional messaging support – In addition to Red Hat Enterprise MRG Messaging integration, JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 now offers support for HornetQ, an open source project to build a multi-protocol, embeddable, high-performance, clustered, asynchronous messaging system.
  • Support for SAML Token usage – This support enables the use of a standards-based security framework within the ESB.
  • Support for new data sources – Greenplum Database, PostgresSQL 9, and Red Hat Directory Server 9 join already supported data services such as Teradata, Ingres, Mondrian, JSON and more. Additionally, Red Hat is offering a technology preview of a connector to Apache Hive to help address big data use cases
  • Improved data services tooling for consuming XML-based data sources – These enhancements include new “cheatsheets” for common tasks and wizards for consuming XML and web service-based data sources.

As part of Red Hat's integration platform, JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3, along with JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3,complement the recently announced JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 by providing intelligent decision and event processing and data integration to applications running on that solution. In particular, JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 enables JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 applications, both in the cloud or on-premise, to be integrated into other applications and business processes.    

JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3 are certified to work directly with JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3. JBoss Enterprise SOA Platform 5.3 and JBoss Enterprise Data Services Platform 5.3 are scheduled to be available in July, while JBoss Enterprise BRMS 5.3 is available now. For more information about all of these solutions, visit www.redhat.com/products/jbossenterprisemiddleware/soa, www.redhat.com/products/jbossenterprisemiddleware/data-services and www.redhat.com/products/jbossenterprisemiddleware/business-rules.

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