피드 구독

What Is New?

In Red Hat OpenShift 4.6, we introduced Quick starts, a feature that enables users to discover and learn about key capabilities through step-by-step tutorials in the OpenShift Console. By guiding and highlighting capabilities in context, users are able to configure their system quickly, and learn as they go. In 4.7 we added Quick start extensibility, so customers can add their own step-by-step guides directly into the Console. In OpenShift 4.8, we have  enhanced the component with the addition of code snippets, a resizable panel, and visibility on the Topology view. 

Code Snippets

Code snippets and inline actions will now be supported by Quick starts and can optionally be included as part of the task instructions. A single line of code and a block of code will be treated the same way: 


By default, the user will be able to click a copy icon to copy the code snippet to their clipboard: 


If the Web Terminal operator is installed, users will also be able to click a play button to process code in the Web Terminal directly: 


Resizable Panel

Another improvement to the Quick start feature that was added in 4.8 is the resizable side panel: 


Users can click anywhere on the edge of the side panel and drag it out to the left to expand the content area or drag it to the right to maximize the screen real estate and shrink the side panel: 


This provided flexibility allows users to adapt to varying use cases and screen sizes. 

Topology View Search

In the Topology view of the Developer perspective (also visible in the Workloads tab of the Administrator perspective), there is an Add to project option that allows users to quickly search for something to add to a project. Quick starts are now included in this search and will appear with the Quick start badge to denote the type of content: 



This is especially helpful for newer users who may be searching for a guide that can assist in completing a task. Users can preview the Quick start description and any prerequisites in context before choosing to start.   

Want to Try It Yourself?

In this fast-paced environment where technology continues evolving, users are constantly trying to keep up with the latest features and capabilities in the Kubernetes space. Our goal is to improve the onboarding experience for new users and enhance the learning journey for all users. To learn more about how you can create and contribute a Quick start, check out our Quick start guidelines here and keep an eye out for continued enhancements in upcoming OpenShift releases. 

If you are up for trying out this new feature, or if you are just getting started with OpenShift, visit Try OpenShift to get instant access to a cluster. You can also learn more about what the OpenShift design team is up to on our OpenShift Design site, and be sure to catch us on the OpenShift Twitch channel

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