피드 구독

The Ansible Networking Team is excited about the release of Ansible 2.5. Back in February, I wrote about new Networking Features in Ansible 2.5, and one of the biggest areas of feedback was around the network_cli connection plugin. For more background on this connection plugin, please refer to the previous blog post. 

In this post, I convert existing networking playbooks that use connection: local to use connection: network_cli. Please note that the passwords are in plain text for demonstration purposes only. Refer to the following Ansible Networking documentation page recommendation for using Ansible Vault for secure password storage and usage.

To demonstrate, let’s use an existing GitHub repository with working playbooks using the legacy connection local method. NOTE: The connection local method will continue to be supported for quite some time, and has not been announced as deprecated yet. This repository has several examples using Ansible and NAPALM but we are highlighting the Ansible Playbooks in this post.  The GitHub repository can be found here

Example 1 - Backing Up a Configuration

Networking platforms use their specific *_config platform module for easy backups within Ansible. For this playbook we are running the Ansible Playbook against a Cisco NX-OS platform, so we are using the nxos_config module. Using this module, set the backup parameter to yes.  This is how the playbook looked using the connection: local and provider method in Ansible 2.4:

- hosts: cisco
  connection: local
    - nxos_config:
        backup: yes
        provider: "{{login_info}}"        

For all of the Ansible samples the provider variables such as login_info are located in group_vars/all:

[sean@centos]$ cat group_vars/all.yml                                                                                               ---
  username: admin
  password: Bullf00d!
  authorize: True

How do we take advantage of the network_cli connection method in Ansible 2.5?

  1. Change the connection: local to connection: network_cli
  2. Remove the provider parameter from the task
  3. Convert the information in the login_info variable in your playbook to your inventory file
  4. Add appropriate ansible_network_os entries to your inventory
Network Platform  ansible_network_os parameter 
 Arista EOS  eos
 Cisco IOS  ios
 Cisco IOS-XR  iosxr
 Cisco NX-OS  nxos
 Juniper Junos  junos
 VyOS  vyos

Convert the playbook for steps 1 and 2:

Local Connection (2.4):

- hosts: cisco
  connection: local
    - nxos_config:
       backup: yes
       provider: "{{login_info}}"

Network_cli Connection (2.5):

- hosts: cisco
  connection: network_cli
   - nxos_config:
      backup: yes

Modify the inventory for steps 3 and 4: 

[sean@centos]$ cat hosts
n9k ansible_host=

Next, add three fields for the n9k host:

  • ansible_user
  • ansible_password
  • ansible_network_os

For this specific scenario, a few assumptions are required:

  • The username and password is specific for a particular host (in other words, n9k’s username and password is different from n9k-2’s username and password).
  • All the devices in the [cisco] group are Cisco Nexus devices.
[sean@centos]$ cat hosts
n9k ansible_host= ansible_user=admin ansible_password=Bullf00d


As you can see above we can tie inventory parameters to a particular host, or to the entire group. The old playbook is named backup-oldmethod.yml, and the new playbook is named backup.yml. The playbook now runs with the ansible-playbook command:

[sean@centos]$ ansible-playbook backup.yml

PLAY [cisco] *******************************************************************************************

TASK [nxos_config] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [n9k]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************
n9k                        : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

Example 2 - Adding an IP address to an Interface

In the second Ansible Playbook example we are running against an Arista EOS platform, so we are using the eos_config module.

The login information for the Arista EOS device for this example is different from the Cisco NX-OS device, and requires an enable password for privileged commands:

[sean@centos]$ cat group_vars/all.yml   
  username: admin
  password: Bullf00d!
  authorize: True
  auth_pass: DURHAM!

Just like in the first example, we need to perform the following activities:
  1. Convert the provider dictionary into our inventory
  2. Set ansible_network_os to eos
  3. Convert not just the username and password, but also authorize and auth_pass
  4. Now that network_cli is a top level connection, ansible_become_method is also available now that Ansible leverages the built-in Become (Privilege Escalation). Therefore, specify enable, which is similar to Linux’s sudo.
Provider Dictionary (2.4)  Inventory Variable (2.5)
authorize: True  ansible_become=yes
auth_pass: DURHAM! ansible_become_pass=DURHAM!

For our particular example, we assume all Arista devices (devices within the group named [arista]) use the same username, password and enable password. This means we can set those parameters under the group [arista:vars]. This is what the inventory for it looks like:

eos ansible_host=


Now let’s convert the Ansible Playbook:

Local Connection (2.4):

- hosts: arista
  connection: local
    - eos_config:
          - no switchport
          - ip address
        parents: interface Ethernet1
        provider: "{{login_info_eos}}"

Network_cli Connection (2.5):

- hosts: arista
  connection: network_cli
    - eos_config:
          - no switchport
          - ip address
        parents: interface Ethernet1

The old playbook is called ipaddress-oldmethod.yml, and the new playbook is called ipaddress.yml. The playbook now runs the ansible-playbook command:

[sean@centos]$ ansible-playbook backup.yml

PLAY [cisco] *******************************************************************************************

TASK [nxos_config] ***********************************************************************************
ok: [n9k]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************
n9k                        : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0

There are also two more examples on the GitHub repo:

Please consider joining the network-automation GitHub! Just email us with your GitHub username.


Q: What happens if I don’t convert my playbooks for Ansible 2.5?
A: Nothing, except your playbooks won't be as quick and efficient as they could be. The connection: local and provider method are not being deprecated for the Ansible 2.5 release. However, in relation to Ansible networking modules, it is planned for future deprecation (TBD).

Please note that deprecating something in Ansible doesn’t mean that it will be immediately removed. Currently, all deprecated parameters, features, modules, etc, are supported for four release cycles after deprecation before they are removed from the Ansible project. When looking at the release cycle you can see that four release cycles is roughly 16 months. You will see a deprecation warning when you run a playbook with a deprecated parameter, feature, or module. Please refer to the Porting Guide before upgrading Ansible.

For more information, you can check out the change log on GitHub to look at what is being deprecated per release.

Q: What if I wrote a module, using an Ansible module, or am using a module provided elsewhere that requires the connection: local method?  You are going to deprecate connection: local?

A: No. The connection: local is not being deprecated, and there are no plans to deprecate it.  Ansible will deprecate the connection: local connection method and provider parameter for Ansible Networking modules written by Red Hat.  

Module writers should refer to the Developing network_cli platforms wiki.

Q: Is there a connection: eapi (Arista EOS) or connection: nxapi (Cisco NX-OS)?

A:  Not yet. In Ansible 2.5, you still need to use the connection: local and provider method for eapi or nxapi. The eapi and nxapi connections are on the radar for the Ansible Networking team and we will update the roadmap for Ansible Networking after Ansible 2.5 officially launches. Please bookmark the Ansible Networking wiki, which contains the roadmap.  

Q: What if I have a playbook using a non-networking module (e.g., template module)?
A: Modules (or rather, tasks that use modules) that are not networking modules will run locally. Let’s look at an example:

- hosts: cisco
  connection: network_cli
    - name: backup device configurations
        backup: yes
      register: nxos_config_backup

    - name: copy the backup to the desired location
        src: "{{ nxos_config_backup['backup_path'] }}"
        dest: "nxos/{{ inventory_hostname }}"

    - name: delete the original file
        path: "{{ nxos_config_backup['backup_path'] }}"
        state: absent

This playbook has three tasks:

  1. Create a backup file, under the backup directory
  2. Copy this backup file to the desired location (we want to save it under the directory nxos/n9k (n9k is the hostname we have setup in our inventory, we can call this using the inventory_hostname variable).
  3. Delete the file we copied from.

The first task uses a network-specific module (nxos_config), while the other two tasks use generic Linux modules (copy and file).  This playbook executes the nxos_config against the specified hosts (the Ansible group [cisco], specified by hosts: cisco).  When using the netconf or network_cli connection plugin, the copy and file modules run locally (from the machine Ansible was executed from).

As a side note: it’s very common to see Ansible Networking Playbooks where someone might template a file, then push it to the device like this:

- name: render a jinja2 template
    src: network_config.j2
    dest: network_config

- name: push device configurations
    src: network_config

The above works with network_cli and netconf connection plugins.  The template module runs locally while the nxos_config module runs against the specified hosts. However, the *os_config modules, including nxos_config, can take jinja2 files directly, without the need to use the template module.  Below is an example of what the playbook would look like: 

- name: template AND push device configurations
    src: network_config.j2

Q: Where can I get more info?

A: Check out the offical Ansible 2.5 porting guide and 
the new Ansible Networking documentation

저자 소개

Sean is a Principal Technical Marketing Manager, Ansible, where he brings over 10 years of experience building and automating computer networks. Sean previously worked for both Cumulus Networks (acquired by Nvidia) and Cisco Systems where he helped customers deploy, manage and automate their network infrastructure. He resides in Chapel Hill, NC with his wife and children and tweets from @IPvSean.

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