Calling OpenStack users! Want to help make OpenStack dead easy to install on CentOS, Fedora, and/or RHEL? Join us for the next test days in early October. The OpenStack Juno release is getting closer and the RDO community is planning to run test days on October 1, 2014 and October 2, 2014.
The RDO team will be providing packages for CentOS, Fedora, and RHEL:
- CentOS 7
- RHEL 6.5
- RHEL 7
- Fedora 20
- Fedora 21
You'll want to have a fresh install of one (or more, if you're ambitious) of the operating systems listed, and join the RDO team on Freenode in the #rdo channel.
Other Testing Tips
The RDO team has test cases on the site that cover Packstack-based installation of networking, storage, and miscellaneous components. Additional test cases ahead of the test days are, of course, welcome.
Look to see if any workarounds are required for your platform before running tests. (Example: Could not enable mysqld on CentOS 7.)
Plan to keep copious notes. Even if you've installed OpenStack 100 times, the best testing is done when looking at the process as a beginner. Step through tests deliberately, keep good notes, and review others' notes.
Be ready to report any problems to Bugzilla, and add results to the TestedSetups page.
Of course, you don't have to wait for the test days to jump in – feel free to test ahead of time and report results early.
Questions? Find us in the #rdo channel on Freenode, or the rdo-list.
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