피드 구독
We're excited to announce that for the fourth consecutive year, Red Hat's Customer Portal has been named one of the industry’s "Ten Best Web Support Sites” by the Association of Support Professionals (ASP). Red Hat was honored in the open division along other technology industry leaders including Cisco, Google Adwords, IBM, McAfee, Microsoft Surface Support, and PTC.
ASP is an international membership organization for customer support managers and professionals. The "Ten Best Web Support Sites" competition is a prestigious awards program that showcases excellence in online service and support. Selected by a panel of judges with expertise in web support design and implementation, winners were evaluated through a scoring system based on 25 separate performance criteria. Key criteria included overall usability, design and navigation, knowledge base and search implementation, interactive features, and customer experience.
Since receiving our ASP award last year, we've been working diligently to improve our user experience even more. Armed with both customer and ASP feedback, we've added features to better help customers find what they need, how and when they need it. Using email and website statistics, behavior analytics, A/B testing, and customer feedback, we are doing everything we can to better understand how our subscribers are using the portal. The results of our efforts include a streamlined navigation, enhanced product pages with more product-specific resources, and an improved recommendations engine that instantly provides potential solutions. The Customer Portal team's focus on analytics has brought rapid development and change, and we plan to continue this focus as part of our commitment to giving our customers the very best experience.
In that spirit, today we're happy to announce the new addition of a Red Hat Certification Catalog to the Red Hat Customer Portal. The Red Hat Certification Catalog unifies Red Hat certifications into a single plaftorm and allows users to:
  • confirm that your Red Hat solution is running on tested, verified and supported hardware;
  • find third-party software solutions tested specifically on the Red Hat platform;
  • choose a Red Hat certified public cloud provider to run your Red Hat technologies.
The new Certification Catalog can be found via Certifications in the navigation of the Red Hat Customer Portal. As always, we're committed to giving our customers the very best experience and look to our customers and community members to help us determine the direction of the portal. If you have feedback for us or suggestions, please participate in our Customer Portal Discussion at https://access.redhat.com/discussions/1119653.
Congratulations again to the Red Hat Customer Portal team on this ASP win and to our customers for helpings us build one of the very best customer portals in the industry.

저자 소개

Marco Bill-Peter is the senior vice president of Customer Experience and Engagement (CEE) at Red Hat. CEE is responsible for increasing the value customers and partners receive from their relationship with Red Hat. In addition to technical support delivery and strategic customer engagement, Bill-Peter's organization is responsible for the award-winning Red Hat Customer Portal, quality engineering, DevOps, product certifications, product security, product documentation, and translation services.

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