피드 구독

An article from the Red Hat Learning Subscription monthly newsletter, December 2016 edition.

Last week was our first delivery of a monthly emailed report of subscription consumption. Additionally, Red Hat Learning Subscription Basic customers now have access to a Reports tab which provides percent completion data for classes. (Note: Red Hat Learning Subscription Standard has included completion reporting since it was launched in June.)


The report is sorted by default, using the last accessed date. It is easy to change the display order from the default by clicking on the two other column headers labeled “progress” and “accessed”. The report can be re-sorted by that criteria in either ascending or descending order. We will continue making additional improvements to the reports offered to subscribers over the coming months.

저자 소개


채널별 검색

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엣지 컴퓨팅

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오리지널 쇼

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