피드 구독

Red Hat is proud to announce that we have been named to Glassdoor’s Best Places to Work list for the second year in a row. The 2014 list, announced earlier today, ranked Red Hat 23rd - up 10 spots from last year. Currently, 82 percent of Red Hat employees participating on Glassdoor would recommend Red Hat to a friend and 95 percent approve of Red Hat president and CEO, Jim Whitehurst. Employees also gave Red Hat 3.9 out of 5 stars for employee satisfaction.

Glassdoor, a free jobs and career community, provides an outlet where employees, job seekers, and companies themselves can provide anonymous information about a company including reviews, salaries, interview questions and more. To be considered for Glassdoor’s annual list, companies with 1,000 employees or more had to have at least 50 approved company reviews by employees during the past 12 months. Reviews asked employees to rate their company, workplace attributes and CEO. Unlike many workplace-related awards, the Glassdoor list is based solely on input provided by current or former employees.

Among technology companies, Red Hat stands apart because of our unique culture and software development model. For the past 20 years, we have encouraged the free exchange of information, ideas and source code via the open source software development model. Once a radical concept, the way that Red Hat develops software is now mirrored by the highly interconnected world we all live in—where ideas and information can be shared worldwide in seconds.

Red Hat is the place where some of the most interesting technology trends converge. We offer the only fully open technology stack, from operating system to middleware, storage to cloud and virtualization solutions. We also provide a variety of services, including award-winning support, consulting and training. Today, more than 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies rely on Red Hat.

If you would like to work in an open, collaborative environment—alongside the kind of people who make Red Hat as much a community as a company—visit www.redhat.com/jobs to explore our open job opportunities.

Thank you to all of our associates once again for making Red Hat one of the best places to work.

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