피드 구독

We are pleased to announce that Red Hat Satellite 6.15.3 is generally available as of 2024-08-21.

Red Hat Satellite is an infrastructure management solution designed to provision and maintain any Red Hat Enterprise Linux infrastructure - physical, virtual, cloud and edge environments. Satellite streamlines provisioning, patching and other repetitive system management tasks to increase efficiency while helping keep systems more secure, available and compliant.

The erratum for this release includes:

Customers who have already upgraded to Satellite 6.15 should follow the instructions in the errata. Customers on versions of Satellite before 6.15 should refer to the Upgrade Guide. You may also consider using the Satellite Upgrade Helper if moving from Satellite 6.x to Satellite 6.15.

Customers currently running a version of 6.15, should refer to the Update Guide.

Customers who have received hotfixes should check the list of bugs fixed to confirm their hotfix is contained in the release before upgrading.

Please contact Red Hat Support if you have applied a hotfix that doesn’t correspond to one of the bugs mentioned in the errata link(s) above to verify that you can apply the hotfix to Satellite 6.15.3.

저자 소개

As a Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager in the Red Hat Enterprise Linux business unit, Matthew Yee is here to help everyone understand what our products do. He joined Red Hat in 2021 and is based in Vancouver, Canada.

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