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Why telcos are prioritizing edge computing

A recent Research and Markets report by Grand View Research states, “the telecom edge is estimated to grow exponentially” by 2030. Many telecommunications service providers are making edge computingmoving workloads and services from the core toward the edge of the network, where data is used―a priority as they modernize existing infrastructure and seek new revenue streams.

Moving workloads to the edge greatly reduces latency―the amount of time between sending and receiving a signal. This enables new applications and services that can exploit reduced latency and improve the customer experience of existing applications, especially following advancements in 5G. With the addition of 5G to the high-bandwidth connectivity of edge computing, companies are better positioned to meet demands in areas like healthcare delivery, emergency response, manufacturing efficiency, traffic congestion and industrial safety. 

Red Hat's approach to edge computing focuses on three categories: 

  • Enterprise edge, which lets you extend application services to remote locations
  • Operations edge, which is about analyzing inputs in real time
  • Provider edge, which manages a network for others, as in the case of telcos

Where the edge of your network is depends on your organization, architecture and use case. It's important that your edge infrastructure is built on platforms that support your workloads, wherever you need them (like Red Hat Edge does). That’s why we recommend an open source approach that gives you the freedom to mix and match components from third parties and build a more customized solution.

In this issue of Red Hat Shares, learn about multi-access edge computing, what’s prompting 5G edge deployments, how video analytics can initiate the edge opportunity for telcos and how Samsung is responding to 5G and edge connectivity.

First, read more about edge computing for telecommunications:

5G edge and security deployment evolution, trends and insights

Learn about some of the factors prompting 5G edge deployments, key security concerns for 5G networks and barriers to an effective 5G security strategy.

You may also be interested in “5 innovations for 5G and edge with Red Hat’s certified partner system.”

What is multi-access edge computing (MEC)?

MEC is a type of network architecture that provides cloud computing capabilities and an IT service environment at the edge of the network.

How video analytics can kickstart the edge opportunity for telcos

STL Partners examines the video analytics market today, the role of edge in stimulating growth and the actions telcos can take to achieve success in this space.


Samsung propels 5G and edge networks with Red Hat OpenShift

After creating a consistent hybrid cloud environment―in part to support the introduction of 5G―Samsung is accelerating the delivery of solutions for networks and edge processing in a distributed cloud architecture.

New product: Red Hat Device Edge

Flexibly deploy traditional or containerized workloads on small, resource-constrained devices at the farthest edge.

(Planned as a developer preview in early 2023, and expected to be generally available with full support later in 2023.)

Introducing Code Comments―an original podcast from Red Hat

Stories from technologists who have gone through it―and learned lessons they can pass along to you.

Did you miss our September issue on edge security? Check it out. Or browse all past issues of Red Hat Shares.

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The Red Hat Shares team comprises content strategists who work with lots of smart subject matter experts. Together, we curate content on emerging tech topics your enterprise needs to learn about to stay competitive.

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