피드 구독

Red Hat is proud to announce that Anil Saldhana, the company's lead JBoss security architect, has been selected by OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards) as an OASIS Distinguished Contributor.

Each year, OASIS, a non-profit consortium that drives the development, convergence and open standards for the global information society, bestows the OASIS Distinguished Contributor honor to a select group of recipients. The honor acknowledges individuals who have made significant contributions to open standards.

Saldhana was recognized for his years of service and recent success working with the OASIS security community. As part of his efforts, Saldhana has worked to promote the need for security standards and practices in open source software. In addition to his efforts at Red Hat, he serves on the Steering Committee for the OASIS IDtrust Member Section, which strives to promote greater understanding and adoption of standards-based identity and trusted infrastructure technologies, policies and practices. He is a driving force and co-chair of the OASIS Identity in the Cloud TC, a step towards standardizing cloud identity. Saldhana also offers his expertise on many technical committees, including those affiliated with OASIS, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the Java Community Process (JCP).

"Anil's participation elevates both the quality and breadth of OASIS technical work. For years he has been a driving force behind some of the most significant open standards initiatives, from SAML to IDCloud. Anil is widely recognized as an expert in the security field and as an evangelist of the open process. We are pleased to honor him as an OASIS Distinguished Contributor," said Laurent Liscia, executive director and CEO, OASIS.

Saldhana's efforts are part of a company-wide initiative to continually push open source forward, including the organization's Common Criteria efforts. We congratulate Saldhana and look forward to his continued drive to make open source solutions secure for everyone.

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