피드 구독

Congratulations to Red Hat’s Denise Dumas, vice president of Operating System Engineering, and Katrinka McCallum, vice president of Products and Technologies Operations, both of whom were recognized by the Stevie Awards for Women in Business. Denise took home the Gold Award for Female Employee of the Year, and Katrinka accepted the Bronze Award for Woman of the Year. Denise and Katrinka were honored for years of outstanding service at Red Hat in various technical and leadership roles.

Denise was recognized for her great sense of team building and achievement of outstanding product results, including Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7. She was named to her current role at Red Hat in September 2014 after serving as senior director of engineering for Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Denise joined Red Hat in 2008 as a senior engineering manager running the Red Hat Enterprise Linux userspace team.

Katrinka was recognized for her strengths in integrating and providing infrastructure services that span the business and development teams within Red Hat. She is responsible for enabling Red Hat’s business units to make data-driven decisions, Red Hat’s engineering operations, and the site management of Red Hat’s global R&D facilities. Previously, Katrinka led Red Hat’s business unit operations, and was vice president of Red Hat’s Management Solutions business. Katrinka joined Red Hat as vice president of Investor Relations in 2007.

The Stevie Awards for Women in Business tout themselves as the world’s top honors for female entrepreneurs, executives, employees and the organizations they run. All individuals and organizations worldwide are eligible to submit nominations – public and private, for-profit and non-profit, large and small. The 2014 awards received entries from 22 nations and territories, and winners were selected by more than 160 executives worldwide.

Congratulations, Denise and Katrinka, for this recognition!

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Red Hat is the world’s leading provider of enterprise open source solutions, using a community-powered approach to deliver high-performing Linux, cloud, container, and Kubernetes technologies.

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