피드 구독

Red Hat Insights makes it much easier to maintain and manage the security exposure of your Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) infrastructure. Included is the Insights malware detection service, a monitoring and assessment tool that scans RHEL systems for the presence of malware, utilizing signatures of known Linux malware provided in partnership with the IBM X-Force Threat Intelligence team. This gives your threat assessment and IT incident-response team important information that they can use to formulate a response tailored to your organization’s requirements. The malware detection service has been evolving, and new functionality has been added to make the management of malware detections even more robust.

You can now review and set the status for malware signature matches at both the system and signature levels. This allows you to remove irrelevant messages and information from your environment and more efficiently review the status of malware results, so you can remove excess noise and better focus on what needs your attention. You can change the status of each signature match while you continue your investigation and management of malware matches. This helps your stakeholders to stay informed of the progress of evaluating malware matches and cleaning. You can also decide which matches are irrelevant or whether they pose low or no threat to your systems.

Insight Malware Detection system view


A new Total matches column has also been added. You can use this to see how many times a signature has matched on a system and review the historical status of those matches. Insights retains matches indefinitely so this creates a de facto historical record. Note that if you have Malware Administrator permissions, you will also have the ability to delete individual matches.

The New matches column shows the number of new matches for a signature which includes any Not reviewed status matches that are less than 30 days old. This helps a reviewer more easily prioritize anything newly detected in their environment.

Any feedback about the malware detection service and features can be sent to us using the feedback button inside of Insights. Check out the new malware detection features today.

저자 소개

Chris Henderson is a Senior Product Manager for Red Hat Insights focusing on security services. In his time with Red Hat he has filled a variety of technical roles working with customers across a broad swath of industries. Chris leverages that broad experience and security focus to build products which help customers to meet their security and compliance needs.

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