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The first blog of this series shows how to create and integrate a Quarkus application from scratch into Azure DevOps and Red Hat managed cloud services, such as Azure Red Hat OpenShift), Red Hat OpenShift on AWS, and OpenShift Dedicated on Google Cloud.

This article covers leveraging OpenShift Pipelines, which are already included in all OpenShift offerings.

This blog series also includes:

These demonstrations assume:

  • Azure Red Hat OpenShift/Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS/Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated 4.12+ installed
  • OpenShift Pipelines 1.12 installed
  • OpenShift GitOps 1.10 installed
  • A Quarkus application source code
  • Azure Container Registry as an image repository
  • Azure DevOps Repository as a source repository

I'll introduce a few continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) concepts before beginning.

Illustration of CI/CD workflow Text explaining Continuous Integration, Continulous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment

OpenShift Pipelines is a CI/CD serverless Kubernetes-native tool. It defines a set of Kubernetes Custom Resources (CR) that act as building blocks to assemble CI/CD pipelines.

Components include Steps, Tasks, Pipelines, Workspace, Triggers and more.

Think about Pipelines and Tasks as reusable templates and PipelineRun and TaskRun as single instantiated runs of a Pipeline.

OpenShift Pipelines provides out-of-the-box ClusterTasks for immediate use, but customers can create internal Tasks as required. This blog will use both of these.

The Workspace is a storage space for sharing data between TaskRuns.

The following is a basic schema:

Illustration of Pipelines

OpenShift Pipelines have other resources available, such as Triggers (Triggers / TriggerBinding / TriggerTemplate / EventListener), with the aim of automatically starting a Pipeline after a specific event in the source code repository.

The scenario described in this blog automatically instantiates a PipelineRun based on a Pipeline leveraging Triggers after a commit to source code. The Pipelines are built using ClusterTasks, which are available out-of-the-box with OpenShift Pipelines. There is also a custom Task update-image-url-digest, a script for commiting a new deployment.yaml file with the latest image digest in the Config GitOps repository. The next blog covers setting it up.

The full CI/CD flow will be:

Illustration of CI/CD flow with OpenShift Pipeline

Starting with the same Quarkus source code from the previous blog, I opted for a native Quarkus build that applies a multistage Docker build. The resulting Dockerfile below will be added to the root of the Source Git repository:

FROM AS build
COPY --chown=quarkus:quarkus target/native-sources /code/target/native-sources
USER quarkus
WORKDIR /code/target/native-sources
RUN native-image \$(cat ./native-image.args)
WORKDIR /work/
RUN chown 1001 /work \
&& chmod "g+rwX" /work \
&& chown 1001:root /work
COPY --from=build --chown=1001:root /code/target/native-sources/*-runner /work/application
USER 1001
ENTRYPOINT ["./application", ""]

Next, construct the Pipeline:

Create a Project to host the Quarkus application on Azure Red Hat OpenShift/ Openshift Service AWS/OpenShift Dedicated:

$ export PROJECT=quarkus-app
$ oc new-project $PROJECT

Set up the related Pipeline's resources. A PersistentVolumeClaim is used as a shared workspace throughout the PipelineRun:

$ cat  << EOF > workspace.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
 name: workspace-pvc
 - ReadWriteOnce
     storage: 500Mi
 storageClassName: <your_storage_class>

Create a Trigger, which references a TriggerBinding and a TriggerTemplate:

$ cat << EOF > trigger.yaml
kind: Trigger
 name: quarkus-app-trigger
 serviceAccountName: pipeline
   - ref: quarkus-app
   ref: quarkus-app

Add a TriggerBinding, which extracts values from the body of the source code's webhook. You can customize this based on your needs:

$ cat << EOF > triggerbinding.yaml
kind: TriggerBinding
 name: quarkus-app
 - name: git-repo-url
   value: \$(body.resource.repository.remoteUrl)
 - name: git-repo-name
   value: \$(
 - name: git-revision
   value: \$(body.after)
 - name: git-commit-author
   value: \$(body.resource.pushedBy.uniqueName)
 - name: git-commit-comment
   value: \$(body.resource.commits[0].comment)

The following is a TriggerTemplate, which embeds the PipelineRun to be started:

$ cat << EOF > triggertemplate.yaml
kind: TriggerTemplate
 name: quarkus-app
 - name: git-repo-url
   description: The source code Git repository URL
 - name: git-revision
   description: The source code Git revision
   default: master
 - name: git-repo-name
   description: The name of the deployment to be created / patched
 - name: git-commit-author
   description: The source code commit's author
 - name: git-commit-comment
   description: The source code commit's comment
 - apiVersion:
   kind: PipelineRun
     generateName: build-and-delivery-\$(tt.params.git-repo-name)-\$(tt.params.git-revision)-
     serviceAccountName: pipeline
       name: build-and-delivery
     - name: deployment-name
       value: \$(tt.params.git-repo-name)
     - name: git-repo-url
       value: \$(tt.params.git-repo-url)
     - name: git-revision
       value: \$(tt.params.git-revision)
     - name: git-commit-author
       value: \$(tt.params.git-commit-author)
     - name: git-commit-comment
       value: \$(tt.params.git-commit-comment)
     - name: IMAGE
       value: <your_container_registry>/<your_repository>/\$(tt.params.git-repo-name)
       value: <your_container_registry>
     - name: NAMESPACE
       value: <your_application_namespace>
     - name: git-ops-repo-url
       value: <your_gitops_repo>
     - name: shared-workspace
         claimName: workspace-pvc
     - name: maven-settings
       emptyDir: {}

The following EventListener will create a Pod and a Kubernetes Service, which will expose and point from the WebHook:

$ cat << EOF > eventlistener.yaml
kind: EventListener
 name: quarkus-app
 serviceAccountName: pipeline
   - triggerRef: quarkus-app-trigger

Below is a schema to understand the correlation between all Triggers-related resources:

Schema explaining the correlation between all triggers-related resources

Finally, here is the whole Pipeline:

$ cat << EOF > pipeline.yaml
kind: Pipeline
 name: build-and-delivery
 - name: shared-workspace
 - name: maven-settings
 - name: git-repo-url
   type: string
   description: The source code Git repository URL
 - name: git-ops-repo-url
   type: string
   description: The config code Git repository URL
 - name: git-revision
   type: string
   description: The source code Git revision
   default: "master"
 - name: git-commit-author
   type: string
   description: The source dode Git commit's author
   default: "OpenShift Pipelines"
 - name: git-commit-comment
   type: string
   description: The source dode Git commit's author
   default: "Test by OpenShift Pipelines"
 - name: IMAGE
   type: string
   description: image to be built from the code
 - name: NAMESPACE
   type: string
   default: "quarkus-app"
   type: string
   description: External endpoint for the container registry
   default: <your_registry>
 - name: fetch-repository
     name: git-clone
     kind: ClusterTask
   - name: output
     workspace: shared-workspace
   - name: url
     value: \$(params.git-repo-url)
   - name: subdirectory
     value: ""
   - name: deleteExisting
     value: "true"
   - name: revision
     value: \$(params.git-revision)
 - name: maven-build
     name: maven
     kind: ClusterTask
   - name: source
     workspace: shared-workspace
   - name: maven-settings
     workspace: maven-settings
   - name: GOALS
     - -DskipTests
     - clean
     - package
     - -Dquarkus.package.type=native-sources
   - name: CONTEXT_DIR
     value: ./
   - fetch-repository
 - name: build-image
     name: buildah
     kind: ClusterTask
   - name: IMAGE
     value: \$(params.IMAGE)
   - name: source
     workspace: shared-workspace
   - maven-build
 - name: fetch-gitops-repository
     name: git-clone
     kind: ClusterTask
   - name: output
     workspace: shared-workspace
   - name: url
     value: \$(params.git-ops-repo-url)
   - name: subdirectory
     value: ""
   - name: deleteExisting
     value: "true"
   - name: revision
     value: "master"
   - build-image
 - name: update-image-url-digest
     name: gitops-change-image
     kind: Task
   - name: source
     workspace: shared-workspace
     - name: image_url
       value: \$(
     - name: image_digest
       value: \$(
     - name: git-commit-comment
       value: \$(params.git-commit-comment)
   - fetch-gitops-repository
 - name: gitops-push
     name: git-cli
     kind: ClusterTask
   - name: source
     workspace: shared-workspace
     - name: GIT_SCRIPT
       value: |
         git config --global --add /workspace/source
          git config --global ""
         git config --global "OpenShift Pipeline"
         git checkout master
         git add .
         git commit --allow-empty -m "[OpenShift Pipeline] \$(params.git-commit-author) with comment \$(params.git-commit-comment) has updated deployment.yaml with latest image" 
         git push origin master
     - name: BASE_IMAGE
     - name: git-commit-author
       value: \$(params.git-commit-author)
   - update-image-url-digest

The custom Task looks like this:

$ cat << EOF > task.yaml
kind: Task
 name: gitops-change-image
 annotations: "GitOps Change Image Task"
 - name: source
 - name: image_url
   description: Image URL
   type: string
 - name: image_digest
   description: Image digest
   type: string
 - name: gitops-image-change
   workingDir: "/workspace/source"
   script: |
     export imageurl=\$(params.image_url)
     export imagedigest=\$(params.image_digest)
     cat << EOF > dev_aro/deployment.yaml
     apiVersion: apps/v1
     kind: Deployment
         app: quarkus-ci-cd
       name: quarkus-ci-cd
       replicas: 1
           app: quarkus-ci-cd
             app: quarkus-ci-cd
             - image: \$imageurl@\$imagedigest
               imagePullPolicy: Always
               name: quarkus-ci-cd
                  - containerPort: 8080
                    protocol: TCP
                  - containerPort: 8443
                    protocol: TCP

OpenShift Pipelines is a Kubernetes-native solution, therefore credentials for all Git repositories (Source Git repository code and Config GitOps repository) and image registries are stored as Secrets.

Set up credentials for Git repositories (Source and Config) and for pushing the container image to the external image registry. Link them to the pipeline ServiceAccount, which is created by default after installing the OpenShift Pipelines operator.

Read-only permissions are enough for the Source Git repository. You need read/write permissions for the Config GitOps repository.

$ oc create secret generic git-credentials --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password> --type "" -n $PROJECT

$ oc annotate secret git-credentials "<your source / gitops  repository>" -n $PROJECT

$ oc secrets link pipeline git-credentials -n $PROJECT

$ oc create secret generic image-registry-credentials --from-literal=username=<username> --from-literal=password=<password> --type "" -n $PROJECT

$ oc annotate secret image-registry-credentials "<your external image registry>" -n $PROJECT

$ oc secrets link pipeline image-registry-credentials -n $PROJECT

Apply the OpenShift Pipelines manifests and expose the EventListener with a Route. It will be the endpoint for the Source Git repository's WebHook:

$ oc apply -f .
$ oc expose svc <event_listener_svc>

Important: The EventListener is exposed in clear text for simplicity, but it's possible to expose it in HTTPS.

Create a webhook in your source code Source Git repository pointing to the EventListener Route:

Screenshot of project settings

Commit a change to the source code, and you should see the PipelineRun instantiated:

Screenshot of PipelineRun details

The Config GitOps repository will present the latest image digest with the expected comment:

Screenshot of deployment.yaml history

The scenario here is tailored for Azure Container Registry. You may need to change some parameters according to your specific environment.

For example, if you are using GitHub, a few TriggerBinding options must be changed as follows:

 - name: git-repo-url
   value: \$(body.repository.html_url)
 - name: git-repo-name
   value: \$(

This process works the same across different environments hosted on Microsoft Azure (such as Azure Red Hat OpenShift), AWS (such as Red Hat OpenShift on AWS) or Google (OpenShift Dedicated).

You can store the OpenShift Pipelines manifest resources on a Git repository for re-use with other similar Quarkus applications. Secure them with OpenShift Pipelines Chains or extend them with other required ClusterTasks/Tasks, such as static code analysis, integration test, or image scanning tasks.

Wrap up

The next blog covers the final part of implementing a continuous deployment solution using OpenShift GitOps and releasing the application to the end users: A guide to integrating Red Hat OpenShift GitOps with Microsoft Azure DevOps.

Sobre os autores

Angelo has been working in the IT world since 2008, mostly on the infra side, and has held many roles, including System Administrator, Application Operations Engineer, Support Engineer and Technical Account Manager.

Since joining Red Hat in 2019, Angelo has had several roles, always involving OpenShift. Now, as a Cloud Success Architect, Angelo is providing guidance to adopt and accelerate adoption of Red Hat cloud service offerings such as Microsoft Azure Red Hat OpenShift, Red Hat OpenShift on AWS and Red Hat OpenShift Dedicated.

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Gianfranco has been working in the IT industry for over 20 years in many roles: system engineer, technical project manager, entrepreneur and cloud presales engineer before joining the EMEA CSA team in 2022. His interest is related to the continued exploration of cloud computing, which includes a plurality of services, and his goal is to help customers succeed with their managed Red Hat OpenShift solutions in the cloud space. Proud husband and father. I love cooking, traveling and playing sports when possible (e.g. MTB, swimming, scuba diving).

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Marco is a Cloud Success Architect, delivering production pilots and best practices to managed cloud services (ROSA and ARO in particular) customers. He has been at Red Hat since 2022, previously working as an IT Ops Cloud Team Lead then as Site Manager for different customers in the Italian Public Administration sector.

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