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As an OpenShift administrator, do you require control of the creation of objects in a cluster? Maybe your organization has rules around project naming, or resource limit specifications. What if you needed to inject a sidecar container with every application pod?

This article looks at how you can solve these requirements with a custom admission controller to validate and change the object before it is created.

What Is an Admission Controller?

Admission controllers act as gatekeepers intercepting API requests and can change the request object or deny its entry to the cluster. OpenShift has a number of admission controllers enabled by default, such as the LimitRanger, which mutates pods with default resource requests and limits. It also verifies that pods do not exceed the resource requirements specified in the LimitRange objects defined in a namespace. (Find more info here:…)ValidatingAdmissionWebhooks and MutatingAdmissionWebhooks are two of the most flexible admission controllers. These controllers do not implement any policy decisions or mutation logic themselves. Instead, they call out to a REST endpoint (a webhook). By being implemented independent of the cluster, the webhook services surpass limitations of the cluster platform. These admission controllers can accept, reject, or accept-with-modifications the object that  is being created.

Let's look at how to implement a MutatingAdmissionWebhook to enable mutating the tolerations defined on a pod to control when pods are evicted from a node. You can use a mutating webhook to validate and modify any object, and  there are many scenarios for having a webhook mutate and validate an object, such as:

  • For verifying security settings, naming conventions, image usage
  • For injecting labels, annotations, sidecar containers

Controlling Evictions

By default, OpenShift uses the Taint-Based Evictions feature to evict pods from a node with specific conditions, such as being not-ready or unreachable. During a node failure, OpenShift will automatically add taints to the node and start evicting the pods to be rescheduled on another node. During pod creation, an admission controller will automatically mutate the request to add tolerations for node failure conditions with a tolerationSeconds: 300. This prevents pod eviction  until the node has been tainted for five minutes.

   - key:
     operator: Exists
     effect: NoExecute
     tolerationSeconds: 300
   - key:
     operator: Exists
     effect: NoExecute
     tolerationSeconds: 300

For many organizations and application SLA policies, five minutes is too long a timespan to have a pod down.  

OpenShift does not have a configuration to change the default value; however, with a simple MutatingAdmissionWebhook, it is possible to modify the tolerations to a more acceptable value when the pod is created.

The Mutating Webhook Server

All of the code from this sample is available at Complete deployment instructions are available with the code.

Now, I will highlight some of the more interesting details and demonstrate the webhook in action.

A webhook needs a simple TLS-enabled HTTP server that adheres to the Kubernetes API. Each request to the API Server is reviewed by the MutatingWebhookConfiguration. If the criteria is triggered, an admissionReview is set to the webhook server. The admissionReview contains information about the request, including the full definition of the object under review.

  After processing by the webhook server, a response is generated consisting of an admissionReview object that contains an AdmissionResponse. This consists of an Allowed & Results field filled with the admission decision and optional Patch to mutate the resource.

The web server needs to decide whether to admit the object and if any mutations should be applied. In deciding if the object should be sent to the webhook service, the MutatingWebhookConfiguration uses two criteria: namespace selector and the resource operation's rules.

The server could further control which objects are mutated by using annotations. In my example we will mutate all pods in the namespace, unless it has an annotation mutator-webhook.bry/mutate: false on the pod definition.

func mutationRequired(ignoredList []string, metadata *metav1.ObjectMeta) bool {
// skip special kubernete system namespaces
for _, namespace := range ignoredList {
  if metadata.Namespace == namespace {
    glog.Infof("Skip mutation for %v for it's in special namespace:%v", metadata.Name, metadata.Namespace)
    return false

annotations := metadata.GetAnnotations()
if annotations == nil {
  annotations = map[string]string{}

status := annotations[admissionWebhookAnnotationStatusKey]

// determine whether to perform mutation based on annotation for the target resource
var required bool
if strings.ToLower(status) == "injected" {
  required = false
} else {
  switch strings.ToLower(annotations[admissionWebhookAnnotationInjectKey]) {
    required = true
  case "n", "no", "false", "of":
    required = false

glog.Infof("Mutation policy for %v/%v: status: %q required:%v", metadata.Namespace, metadata.Name, status, required)
return required

For the webhook server to modify the request, it must return a JSON patch of the mutations to be applied. It should not directly apply the mutations.

func addToleration(target, added []corev1.Toleration, basePath string) (patch []patchOperation) {
  glog.Infof("Patch path %v", path)
  patch = append(patch, patchOperation{
    Op:    "add",
    Path:  path,
    Value: value,
return patch

func createPatch(pod *corev1.Pod, mutateConfig *Config, annotations map[string]string) ([]byte, error) {
var patch []patchOperation

patch = append(patch, addToleration(pod.Spec.Tolerations, mutateConfig.Tolerations, "/spec/tolerations")...)

return json.Marshal(patch)

func (whsvr *WebhookServer) mutate(ar *v1beta1.AdmissionReview) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse {
req := ar.Request
patchBytes, err := createPatch(&pod, whsvr.mutateConfig, annotations)

glog.Infof("AdmissionResponse: patch=%v\n", string(patchBytes))
return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
  Allowed: true,
  Patch:   patchBytes,
  PatchType: func() *v1beta1.PatchType {
    pt := v1beta1.PatchTypeJSONPatch
    return &pt

Configuring OpenShift

The mutations the webhook server applies will be stored in a ConfigMap. For this example, I have configured the tolerations specific to node not-ready/unreachable events with a more acceptable 15-second toleration.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: tolerations-mutator-config
namespace: mutating-webhook
mutation.yml: |
    - key:
      operator: Exists
      effect: NoExecute
      tolerationSeconds: 15
    - key:
      operator: Exists
      effect: NoExecute
      tolerationSeconds: 15

To allow the OpenShift apiserver to communicate with the webhook, I have created an APIService. This will configure our webhook server as an aggregated API server. It allows other OpenShift Container Platform components to communicate with the webhook through internal credentials and enables testing with the oc command. Additionally, this enables role-based access control (RBAC) into the webhook and prevents token information from other API servers from being disclosed to the webhook.

Note the inject-cabundle annotation, because the OpenShift API requires a TLS connection to identify the trust certificate used for the web service. OpenShift 4.5 includes the ability to inject the service signing cert CA bundle into the APIService. This makes setting up a service trust an easy process.

kind: APIService

 annotations: "true"
groupPriorityMinimum: 1000
versionPriority: 15
 namespace: mutating-webhook
 name: tolerations-mutator
 path: "/mutate"
version: v1beta1

The MutatingWebhookConfiguration defines how and when the webhook gets triggered. Here I specify the service as Kubernetes so the call goes through the APIService defined above. The rules will determine which objects and under which conditions the webhook is called. In this case, the webhook will be executed when a pod is created or updated. Finally, a namespaceSelector is used to limit the rules to only apply on objects contained in namespaces with the associated label.

As with the APIService, we also inject caBundle in the MutatingWebhookConfiguration using the same annotation for the service signing cert service.

kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration

 annotations: "true"
- name:
    namespace: default
    name: kubernetes
    path: /apis/
- operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
  apiGroups: [""]
  apiVersions: ["v1"]
  resources: ["pods"]
    webhook.toleration-mutate: enabled

Verify Webhook          

Once the webhook pods are running, we will run through a few simple tests to verify it is operating as expected before testing to mutate a pod. Running 'oc describe' on the APIService will show us the current status. Reviewing the Status.Conditions field we can verify that all checks have passed and the service is available.  

[bjarvis@toolbox ocp4-tolerations-mutating-webhook]$ oc describe apiservice
Labels:   <none>
Annotations: true
API Version:
Kind:     APIService
Last Transition Time:  2020-09-28T15:33:21Z
Message:           all checks passed
Reason:            Passed
Status:            True
Type:              Available
Events:                <none>

With the APIService passing all checks, running 'oc get' allows us to call the service through the OpenShift apiserver.

# an empty request should return empty json with a 200 code.
$ oc get --raw /apis/

Creating a pod should have the default tolerations. Without the label to enable the webhook server, OpenShift should create the pod in the same manner as before the webhook is created.

$ oc create -f ./test/namespace.yml -f ./test/pod.yml
namespace/chewie-mutate created
pod/wookie-test created

$ oc get pod wookie-test -n chewie-mutate  -o yaml | awk '/tolerations/,/volumes/'
 - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
        tolerationSeconds: 300
 - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
        tolerationSeconds: 300

As a final test, the label is applied to the namespace, and the pod is re-created. The pod is now mutated and will only tolerate the node being not-ready/unreachable for 15 seconds instead of the default five minutes.

$ oc label namespace chewie-mutate webhook.toleration-mutate=enabled
namespace/chewie-mutate labeled

$ oc delete  pod wookie-test -n chewie-mutate
pod "wookie-test" deleted

$ oc create -f ./test/pod.yml
pod/wookie-test created
$ oc get pod wookie-test -n chewie-mutate  -o yaml | awk '/tolerations/,/volumes/'
 - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
        tolerationSeconds: 15
 - effect: NoExecute
        operator: Exists
        tolerationSeconds: 15


There are many use cases where using MutatingAdmissionWebhook makes managing a cluster and applications easier. We successfully solved the node not-ready delay toleration to meet our application SLA requirement. Expanded use could include validating with CMCD configurations or injecting application integrations such as AppDynamics and Hashicorp Vault sidecar containers.

The original inspiration and code were forked from:

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