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Updating clusters can be complex. When there's a problem, you have to determine which alerts are unimportant, which logs to focus on, and work to pinpoint the real issue behind the issue. To make the update process smoother and more transparent, the Red Hat OpenShift team has developed a new tool: oc adm update status. This new command helps you obtain detailed information about the state of your cluster during an update. And the functionality, initially available in the oc command-line tool, is set to evolve into a full-fledged API provided by the cluster itself.

Technology preview in Red Hat OpenShift 4.16

The oc adm upgrade status command debuts as a technology preview in Red Hat OpenShift 4.16. This new subcommand is entirely client-side in its current version; you only need the 4.16 oc binary. It's safe to use in production environments as it only reads data without modifying any configurations.

How to Use oc adm upgrade status

To use this new feature, you must first enable it by setting the OC_ENABLE_CMD_UPGRADE_STATUS environment variable to true:


Then run the command during an update:

$ oc adm upgrade status
= Control Plane =
Assessment:      Progressing
Completion:      12%
Duration:        12m5s
Operator Status: 33 Healthy

Control Plane Nodes
NAME                                        ASSESSMENT    PHASE     VERSION   EST   MESSAGE   Outdated Pending   4.14.0   ?    Outdated  Pending   4.14.0   ?   Outdated  Pending   4.14.0   ? 

= Worker Upgrade =

= Worker Pool =
Worker Pool:   worker
Assessment:    Excluded
Completion:    0%
Worker Status: 3 Total, 3 Available, 0 Progressing, 3 Outdated, 0 Draining, 3 Excluded, 0 Degraded

Worker Pool Nodes
NAME                                       ASSESSMENT  PHASE    VERSION   EST   MESSAGE  Excluded    Paused   4.14.0    -   Excluded    Paused   4.14.0    -   Excluded    Paused   4.14.0    - 

= Update Health =
- Warning  Update Stalled Outdated nodes in a paused pool 'worker' will not be updated

Run with --details=health for additional description and links to related online documentation

The command provides the following information:

  • Control plane: Shows the progress, completion percentage, and health status of operators
  • Worker upgrade: Details on worker nodes, including their current state and any issues affecting their upgrade process
  • Update health: Offers insights into the health of the update process, highlighting any critical issues and providing actionable advice

Here's example output when the control plane nodes are updated first during an OpenShift update:

= Control Plane =
Assessment:      Progressing
Completion:      97%
Duration:        1h58m50s
Operator Status: 28 Healthy, 1 Unavailable, 4 Available but degraded

Control Plane Nodes
NAME                                        ASSESSMENT   PHASE     VERSION       EST   MESSAGE   Outdated     Pending   4.14.0-rc.3   ?    Outdated     Pending   4.14.0-rc.3   ?   Outdated     Pending   4.14.0-rc.3   ? 

This next example shows the worker nodes updating after the control plane has updated during an OpenShift update:

= Worker Upgrade =

= Worker Pool =
Worker Pool:   worker
Assessment:    Degraded
Completion:    39%
Worker Status: 59 Total, 46 Available, 5 Progressing, 36 Outdated, 12 Draining, 0 Excluded, 7 Degraded

Worker Pool Nodes
NAME                                        ASSESSMENT   PHASE      VERSION       EST   MESSAGE
build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-9lztv     Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-bg9f5     Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-mrxwn     Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-b-4h7pn        Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-b-jv5bg        Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-b-kj6gk        Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-c-dcz9p        Degraded     Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   ?     failed to drain node: <node> after 1 hour ...
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-c-jq5rk        Unavailable  Updated    4.16.0-ec.3   -     Node is unavailable
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-c-2kz4m        Progressing  Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   +30m  
build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-c-55hpj        Progressing  Draining   4.16.0-ec.2   +30m  
Omitted additional 49 Total, 22 Completed, 46 Available, 3 Progressing, 27 Outdated, 3 Draining, 0 Excluded, and 0 Degraded nodes.
Pass along --details=nodes to see all information.

You can see insights about an ongoing update:

= Update Health =
14m4s   Info    None     Upgrade is proceeding well

Of course, sometimes not everything goes as planned. Here's an example of the kind of output you get when there's a problem.: 

= Update Health =
20m24s   Error     API Availability   Cluster Operator machine-config is unavailable (MachineConfigControllerFailed)
-        Error     Update Stalled     Node build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-9lztv is degraded
-        Error     Update Stalled     Node build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-bg9f5 is degraded
-        Error     Update Stalled     Node build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-mrxwn is degraded
-        Warning   Update Speed       Node build0-gstfj-ci-tests-worker-c-jq5rk is unavailable

Run with --details=health for additional description and links to related online documentation

Use the --details=health option to see individual insights expanded with further information about the update issue:

$ oc adm upgrade status --detailed=health
= Update Health =
Message: Node build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-9lztv is degraded
 Since:    -
 Level:    Error
 Impact:   Update Stalled
   nodes: build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-9lztv
 Description: failed to drain node: build0-gstfj-ci-prowjobs-worker-b-9lztv after 1 hour. Please see machine-config-controller logs for more information
Message: Cluster Operator machine-config is unavailable (MachineConfigControllerFailed)
 Since:    20m24s
 Level:    Error
 Impact:   API Availability
 Resources: machine-config
 Description: Cluster not available for [{operator 4.14.0-rc.3}]: "machine-config-controller" is invalid: [status.controllerCertificates[0].notAfter: Required value ... some validation rules were not checked because the object was invalid; correct the existing errors to complete validation]

Future roadmap

Our roadmap includes transitioning this functionality to a cluster-provided API in OpenShift 4.17, allowing for broad consumption and integration across different tools and platforms. This initial release in the client helps us gather feedback to refine the feature.

We encourage everyone involved in cluster updates to try this new feature and share your feedback, helping us better serve your needs in future releases.

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