피드 구독

If you’re heading to DockerCon 16 next week in Seattle, connect with us to see why Fortune 500 organizations trust Red Hat for enterprise deployments. Red Hat subject matter experts will be onsite to walk you through real-world use cases for securely developing, deploying and managing container-based applications. 

Attend the State of Container Security Session

Join two of Red Hat's Docker contributors discussing the state of container security today. Senior Software Engineer Mrunal Patel and Thomas Cameron, Global Evangelist of Emerging Technology are presenting on how you can secure your containerized microservices without slowing down development.



Thomas Cameron
Global Evangelist of Emerging Technology

Mrunal Patel
Senior Software Engineer


WHEN: Tuesday, June 21 • 2:25pm - 3:10pm

WHAT: Practical Container Security by Red Hat

WHERE: Rooms 618 - 620,  Ecosystem B


Through a combination of Linux kernel features and open source tools, you can isolate the host from the container and the containers from each other, as well as finding vulnerabilities and securing data. Thomas and Mrunal cover Linux namespaces, SElinux, cgroups, capabilities, scan, seccomp, and other tools you can use right now.

Learn about a Multi-tenant Docker-based Container Application Platform

Red Hat recently announced developer preview of OpenShift Online 3, our public cloud application development and hosting platform based on OpenShift 3. The next generation of OpenShift Online is one of the first multi-tenant Docker-based container application platforms that is also powered by Kubernetes.

Join the Conversation at Booth G14

Containers rely on Linux, and no one knows more about Linux than Red Hat. In addition to learning more about OpenShift 3, you can also connect with Red Hat's community experts, and see how you can get involved in shaping the future of container technology.  Our full stack of open, innovative solutions along with our expansive ecosystem provide a production-ready foundation for your container-based deployments. Come by and let our experts show you how to:

We hope to see you there!

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