Red Hat is pleased to announce the general availability of Red Hat Satellite 6.4. The latest release focuses on enhancements in the Satellite user interface and improved integrations with Ansible Automation.
Key features of Red Hat Satellite 6.4 are organized into key content areas below.
Content Management:
- Ansible embedded for remote execution
- Insights deployed through Ansible
- Ansible/Foreman integration & Ansible Roles
- Puppet 5 Support
- Pull Templates from GIT
- Vertical Navigation
- Updated Red Hat Repositories Page
- Notification Drawer Enhancements
- Automatic republish of component content views
- Ability to update a manifest inside of Satellite
- Auditing of user events
- Provision to AWS GovCloud
- Load Balanced Capsules
- Ability to offload Databases from Satellite Server
- Support for Docker private repositories
- Preservation of custom configs
Performance and Stability:
- RHEL Performance Co-Pilot integration
- Rebase of Mongo DB to 3.x
- Tuning for Postgres
- Other performance and stability fixes
Additional Details
For more details on this release, see the Release Notes, and earlier announcement of 6.4's pending release.
For instructions on performing a fresh installation of Red Hat Satellite 6.4, see Installing Satellite Server from a Connected Network and Installing Satellite Server from a Disconnected Network.
For instructions on upgrading from an earlier version of Red Hat Satellite 6.x, see the Upgrading and Updating Red Hat Satellite Guide.
Sobre o autor
John Spinks is a Senior Principal Technical Marketing Manager for Red Hat. He acts as a subject matter expert for Red Hat Management products including Satellite and Insights. Previous experience includes almost 10 years as a Technical Marketing Engineer for NetApp in RTP, NC.
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