
This blog post aims to explain Open Policy Agent (OPA) basics and how the Red Hat Containers Community of Practice (CoP) has started to implement a collection of policies using the toolset.

As a member of the Red Hat UK&I Consulting team, I work with customers who are in the process of onboarding their applications onto OpenShift Container Platform (OCP). One type of question customers typically ask is: "How do I stop an application team from deploying images with the latest tag or from using requests and limits that are disruptive to the platform?"

Previously, I would have suggested building a process around their continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipelines to validate the Kubernetes resources and, based on company policy, allow or deny the release. Although this works in most situations, it has one major flaw. It is not natively built into or on top of Kubernetes, which allows teams to bypass policies if they are not mandated or manually change the released resources via oc or the web console. This type of implementation always has aspects of "security through obscurity," which is doomed to fail.

So what do I think the answer could be? OPA!

One quick note before we begin: Open Policy Agent is an open source project. It is not Red Hat sponsored, nor is it supported under a Red Hat subscription.

What is OPA?

From the website:

The Open Policy Agent (OPA, pronounced "oh-pa") is an open-source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack. OPA provides a high-level declarative language that lets you specify policy as code and simple APIs to offload policy decision-making from your software. You can use OPA to enforce policies in microservices, Kubernetes, CI/CD pipelines, API gateways, and more.

You can find a more formal definition on the OPA website, but In simpler terms, it is a framework that allows you to build rules for your Kubernetes resources that allow or deny the resource to be applied to a cluster. For example, imagine you need to:

  • Prevent a user from setting CPU limits
  • Force all deployment resources to have certain labels
  • Force all deployments to have a matching PodDisruptionBudget

These scenarios are implementable via OPA and its policy language; rego (pronounced "ray-go").

The following diagram provides an overview of the OPA architecture.

<svg cant be added to google docs: https://github.com/garethahealy/rego-blog>

If OPA is a framework, how do I use it?

The first step to using OPA is writing a HelloWorld policy that outputs the input object.

1 package main
3 violation[msg] {
4   msg := sprintf("input == %s", [input])
5 }

Once we have a policy, we can look at the toolset to execute it. OPA gives you the policy engine, but to build a full solution that works on and off-cluster, it is best to combine OPA with the following complimentary tooling:

  • OPA Conftest
  • OPA Gatekeeper
  • konstraint

OPA Conftest

Conftest is a golang-based CLI that is part of the OPA project. It allows you to execute OPA policies against a YAML/JSON dataset. It is a great addition to a CI/CD pipeline to left-shift compliance testing against your company’s policies. Instead of waiting for developers to deploy the resources and discover they are not compliant, Conftest allows them to validate the resources as part of their Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).

OPA Gatekeeper

Gatekeeper is a set of Pods that work via a Kubernetes admission controller webhook; this enables your policies to be natively part of your cluster within the oc create and oc update life cycle. Gatekeeper can audit cluster resources that were created before the policy, enabling them to be retrospectively fixed.


konstraint is a golang-based CLI that  is used to generate ConstraintTemplate and Constraint. Constraints are the CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) used by Gatekeeper to store your policies on-cluster.

OK, let's take a look at an example policy:

1  package main
3  default is_gatekeeper = false
5  # Checks whether the policy 'input' has came from Gatekeeper
6  is_gatekeeper {
7    has_field(input, "review")
8    has_field(input.review, "object")
9  }
11  # Check the obj contains a field
12  has_field(obj, field) {
13    obj[field]
14  }
16  # Get the input, as the input is not Gatekeeper based
17  object = input {
18    not is_gatekeeper
19  }
21  # Get the input.review.object, as the input is Gatekeeper based
22  object = input.review.object {
23    is_gatekeeper
24  }
26  # Set the .metadata.name of the object we are currently working on
27  name = object.metadata.name
29  # Set the .kind of the object we are currently working on
30  kind = object.kind
32  # Is the kind a Deployment?
33  is_deployment {
34    lower(kind) == "deployment"
35  }
37  # Get all containers from a pod
38  pod_containers(pod) = all_containers {
39    keys = {"containers", "initContainers"}
40    all_containers = [c | keys[k]; c = pod.spec[k][_]]
41  }
43  # Get the pod spec, if the input is a Deployment
44  pods[pod] {
45    is_deployment
46    pod = object.spec.template
47  }
49  # Get all containers, from the input
50  containers[container] {
51    pods[pod]
52    all_containers = pod_containers(pod)
53    container = all_containers[_]
54  }
56  # Get the format for messages on Gatekeeper
57  format(msg) = gatekeeper_format {
58    is_gatekeeper
59    gatekeeper_format = {"msg": msg}
60  }
62  # Get msg as ism, when not on Gatekeeper
63  format(msg) = msg {
64    not is_gatekeeper
65  }
67  # @title Check a Deployment is not using the latest tag for their image
68  # @kinds apps/Deployment
69  violation[msg] {
70    is_deployment
72    container := containers[_]
74    endswith(container.image, ":latest")
76    msg := format(sprintf("%s/%s: container '%s' is using the latest tag for its image (%s), which is an anti-pattern.", [kind, name, container.name, container.image]))
77  }

The above might not look simple, but it is. The important thing to remember is that the policy is targeting both conftest and Gatekeeper, which is why it might look complicated.

Firstly, a quick overview:

  • lines 1 to 65 are helper methods pulled from konstraint lib.
  • lines 69 to 77 make up the actual rego policy block.

Let's go line-by-line and explain what each bit is doing:

  • line 6: is_gatekeeper: a rule that checks whether the policy is being run on Gatekeeper, which allows our policies to target non-Gatekeeper environments, such as conftest.
  • line 17 and 22: object: a "factored out" variable, which allows for an OR. In simpler terms, if is_gatekeeper is true, object = input.review.object else object = input.
  • line 27 and 30: name/kind: set two helper variables.
  • line 33: is_deployment: a rule to check if the kind we are working on is a deployment.
  • line 38: pod_containers: a method that returns all containers that are part of a pod.
  • line 44: pods: a rule that returns the pod spec of the object.
  • line 50: containers: a rule that returns an array of containers by getting the pod and then its containers via the previous helper methods.
  • line 57 and 63: format are "factored out" methods that allow for an OR, which return a message data structure depending on where the policy is being executed.
  • line 67: is a konstraint comment, which is used via konstraint doc to auto-generate documentation.
  • line 68: is a konstraint comment, which is used via konstraint create to auto-generate Gatekeeper ConstraintTemplate and Constraint.

Finally, we put that all together in our policy:

  • line 70: if the input is a deployment,
  • line 72: iterate over its containers,
  • line 74: if any container image ends with ":latest",
  • line 76: return this error message.

Cool, how do I run that?

To run the policy, the following tools should be installed:

  • conftest
  • konstraint
  • bats-core, as a testing framework that will execute conftest.
  • jq,used by the BATS framework to process JSON files.
  • yq, used by the BATS framework to process YAML files.

You can execute the policy by running the below commands. NOTE: A user with cluster-admin permissions is required to deploy Gatekeeper.

git clone https://github.com/garethahealy/rego-blog.git
cd rego-blog

echo "Let's have a look at the test data..."
cat policy/container-image-latest/test_data/unit/list.yml

echo "Let's have a look at the BATS tests..."
cat test/conftest-tests.sh

echo "Now, let's run the conftest tests locally against that data.."
bats test/conftest-tests.sh

echo "Cool. Everything works as expected locally. But what about on-cluster?"

echo "Now, let's deploy gatekeeper (cluster-admin permissions required with a valid session)..."
test/deploy-gatekeeper.sh deploy_gatekeeper

echo "Now, let's deploy the gatekeeper contraints..."
test/deploy-gatekeeper.sh deploy_constraints

echo "Let's look at the auto-generated ConstraintTemplate. Notice its the same policy, but in the CR..."
cat policy/container-image-latest/template.yaml

echo "Let's look at the auto-generated Constraint..."
cat policy/container-image-latest/constraint.yaml

echo "Finally, let's check the policy is active for our namespace..."
bats test/gatekeeper-tests.sh

So what did the above do?

  • You executed test/conftest-tests.sh, which, using BATS to run conftest, validated the policy worked as expected locally.
  • You executed test/deploy-gatekeeper.sh deploy_gatekeeper, which deployed OPA Gatekeeper onto your cluster in the gatekeeper-system namespace, monitoring projects labeled redhat-cop.github.com/gatekeeper-active: 'true'.
  • You executed test/deploy-gatekeeper.sh deploy_constraints, which used konstraint to auto-generate the Gatekeeper CRs ( these were applied to your cluster).
  • You executed test/gatekeeper-tests.sh, which, using BATS to run oc create, validated the policy worked as expected on-cluster.

If you are unable to install the software required, you can use this OPA Playground below, which is set up with the policy and data.


OK, But how do I fit that into my CI/CD pipeline?

I have previously mentioned left-shifting your companies policies, but what does this mean in practical terms for OPA? The following example presumes you are using a Jenkins deployed onto your cluster via:

oc new-project jenkins
oc process jenkins-persistent -p DISABLE_ADMINISTRATIVE_MONITORS=true -p MEMORY_LIMIT=2Gi -n openshift | oc create -f -
oc rollout status dc/jenkins --watch=true

If you are using another CI/CD tool, the key point is that we want to execute bats test/conftest-tests.sh before deploying to the cluster. To be able to execute that bash script, you will need to replicate the same functionality from this Dockerfile.

Firstly, we need to build a Jenkins agent that can execute BATS and conftest in our Jenkins project:

oc import-image quay.io/redhat-cop/jenkins-agent-python:v1.0 --confirm
oc create -f jenkins/ConftestBuildConfig.yaml
oc start-build conftest-docker-build -w

Once the build is complete, let’s open Jenkins and create a new pipeline job from our Jenkinsfile:

node ("jenkins-agent-conftest") {
   stage("Clone blog") {
       sh "git clone https://github.com/garethahealy/rego-blog.git"
   stage("Run conftest") {
       dir("rego-blog") {
           sh "bats test/conftest-tests.sh"

Now, let's trigger the Jenkins job and check that it outputs the same as our local test.

What next?

Hopefully, you havw seen the power of rego policies that are executed locally via conftest and on-cluster via Gatekeeper.

All the above work has been part of Red Hat Containers Community of Practice (CoP). The aim has been to:

  • Understand the basics of writing rego policies.
  • Learn what is and is not possible.
  • What the toolset is and how it can be used.
  • Start to build a set of policies OCP users can use "off-the-shelf".

We have made a good start on the last point, but are always interested in what other OPA users are implementing. If you are interested in contributing or seeing the policies we hve implemented, check out rego-policies on github.


Want to start writing policies? Below are some useful links to get you started:

Thanks to my reviewers for giving great feedback:


Gareth Healy has extensive experience developing enterprise applications on both desktop and web systems, working in a variety of market sectors such as ecommerce, procurement, utilities, banking and finance. Healy is currently specialising in middleware integrations based on Red Hat Fuse running on a container platform based on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform.

Read full bio


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