Things have seemed a bit quiet on the oVirt front recently, but rest assured, they are not.
The community has been hard at work putting the finishing touches on oVirt 3.5, which is due for GA release soon, so if they've been quieter than usual, that's why. But they're still around, and every once in a while, they will show off a little more of what they are doing. Recently, the community has produced four new videos, three of them focused on the upcoming 3.5 release.
One of the most well-known and frequently used features in oVirt is virtual machine snapshot management. In oVirt 3.5, this snapshot features have been expanded to include a far more robust management interface, such as viewing disk snapshots in the context of a storage domain. You can see in more in this 86-second demo video.
Alon Bar-Lev wanted to demonstrate a complex set of new features for Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA)_features in oVirt 3.5. So he decided to host his own Google Hangout recently and walk viewers through the ins and outs of AAA for VM management. You can view the recorded Hangout yourself to learn how this new feature can help you yield better authentication practices.
Another demo video in our oVirt 3.5 series is a really short one -- a whole 10 seconds of watching a VM migration's progress via oVirt 3.5's new progress bar. It's not going to win an Oscar, but the oVirt team was pretty excited to have it running, given that this small feature has been so heavily requested.
If you don't want to watch these videos now, just visit the oVirt 3.5 playlist and run through the whole series. Check back every once in a while as more videos get added to the playlist.
As mentioned earlier, oVirt 3.5 isn't the only subject of our latest videos. Yaniv Bronhaim hosted his own Hangout in August to educate viewers on how to integrate oVirt and Foreman to provision bare-metal hosts or add existing hosts as oVirt hypervisors.
Brian Proffitt is Senior Manager, Community Outreach within Red Hat's Open Source Program Office, focusing on enablement, community metrics and foundation and trade organization relationships. Brian's experience with community management includes knowledge of community onboarding, community health and business alignment. Prior to joining Red Hat in 2013, he was a technology journalist with a focus on Linux and open source, and the author of 22 consumer technology books.
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