A common practice in Telco environments is to rely on using an Offline Registry to store all the container base images for OpenShift deployments. This Offline Registry needs to meet some requirements, and in this article we will focus mainly on how to optimize the storage used by the Offline Registry.
❗Be advised that the following values are an example representation for the purpose of this article, in your case the values might differ.
Environment Setup
The environment we are using consists of one bare-metal host whose role is the Bastion Node or Provisioning Node, DHCP-server and DNS-server, which will also host the Offline Registry and RHCOS-cache-httpd-server.
The details contained in this article are independent of the installer used to deploy the cluster.
Step 0. Installing the required tools
Download the oc-mirror cli:
$ export VERSION=stable-4.11
$ curl -s$VERSION/oc-mirror.tar.gz | tar zxvf - oc-mirror
$ sudo cp oc-mirror /usr/local/bin
As described in here, the oc-mirror cli becomes GA in channel-4.11.
The use of the oc-mirror cli is independent of the Offline Registry used (eg. Quay, docker registry, JFROG Artifactory, etc).
Step 1. Building the imageset-config.yaml
Step 1.1 How to check the operator version included in the redhat-operator-index channel
In this section we are going to introduce the procedure for obtaining the specific operator version we are going to use in the next section.
We are going to run the redhat-operator-index for tag 4.10 as a rootless podman:
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/.config/systemd/user
$ podman login
$ podman run -d --name redhat-operator-index-4.10 -p 50051:50051 -it
$ cd ${HOME}/.config/systemd/user/
$ podman generate systemd --name redhat-operator-index-4.10 >> container-redhat-operator-index.service
$ systemctl --user daemon-reload
$ systemctl --user enable container-redhat-operator-index.service
$ systemctl --user restart container-redhat-operator-index.service
Validate if the container its running:
$ podman ps
ffe3352d17f9 registry serve --... 7 weeks ago Up 2 hours ago>50051/tcp redhat-operator-index-4.10
By creating this container, we will be able to check the content of the channel content for OCPv4.10.
To determine the versions available we need to query the redhat-operator-index endpoint:
$ export LOCAL_RH_OPERATOR_INDEX=inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan
$ grpcurl -plaintext ${LOCAL_RH_OPERATOR_INDEX}:${LOCAL_RH_OPERATOR_INDEX_PORT} api.Registry.ListBundles | jq ' .packageName, .channelName, .bundlePath, .version'
parts of the output omitted
parts of the output omitted
The grpcurl binary has been obtained from here
Step 1.2. How to build a Offline Registry [Optional]
In this section we are going to highlight an example on how to create an Offline Registry that can be used to highlight the principle of mirroring the container base images.
Creating the working directory of the Offline Registry:
$ mkdir -p ${HOME}/registry/{auth,certs,data}
Creating the username and password used by the Offline Registry:
$ htpasswd -bBc ${HOME}/registry/auth/htpasswd <username><password>
Please, note that the values for the and should be updated with your particular ones.
Creating the certificate used by the Offline Registry:
$ export host_fqdn=inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan
$ cert_c="AT"
$ cert_s="WIEN"
$ cert_l="WIEN"
$ cert_o="TelcoEngineering"
$ cert_ou="RedHat"
$ cert_cn="${host_fqdn}"
$ openssl req \
-newkey rsa:4096 \
-nodes \
-sha256 \
-keyout ${HOME}/registry/certs/domain.key \
-x509 \
-days 365 \
-out ${HOME}/registry/certs/domain.crt \
-addext "subjectAltName = DNS:${host_fqdn}" \
-subj "/C=${cert_c}/ST=${cert_s}/L=${cert_l}/O=${cert_o}/OU=${cert_ou}/CN=${cert_cn}"
Please, note that the values used in the certificate creation should be updated with your particular ones. Start the Offline Registry container:
$ podman run -d --name ocpdiscon-registry -p 5050:5000 \
-e REGISTRY_AUTH=htpasswd \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_SECRET=ALongRandomSecretForRegistry \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_CERTIFICATE=/certs/domain.crt \
-e REGISTRY_HTTP_TLS_KEY=/certs/domain.key \
-v ${HOME}/registry/data:/var/lib/registry:z \
-v ${HOME}/registry/auth:/auth:z \
-v ${HOME}/registry/certs:/certs:z
Based on the version list determined section Step 1.1 How to check the operator version included in the redhat-operator-index channel we are going to build the imageset-config.yaml in order to mirror the container base images.
Step 1.3. Building the credential file for the mirroring process
In this section we are going to build the config.json file used in the mirroring process by the oc-mirror cli to gain authorization to the and to the Offline Registry.
In the Offline Registry director create the config.json file:
$ touch ${HOME}/registry/config.json
Open the browser and go to the following link. As described in here, to obtain the pull-secret.json file which we are going to edit and save it under the config.json.
The config.json file structure should be close to the following format:
"auths": {
"": {
"auth": "<base64-secret>"
"inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5051": {
"auth": "<base64-secret>"
"": {
"auth": "<base64-secret>"
"": {
"auth": "<base64-secret>"
"": {
"auth": "<base64-secret>"
"": {
"auth": "<base64-secret>"
Now we will have to let oc-mirror cli use the config.json file:
$ export DOCKER_CONFIG=${HOME}/registry/config.json
Step 2. How to control the storage usage of the mirror
Step 2.1. How to mirror container base images with a compact filesystem usage
Mirror the container base images operator to the .tar file under the archive directory:
$ oc-mirror --config imageset-config.yaml file://archive
The content of a sample imageset-config.yaml file to be used in command above are :
$ cat imageset-config.yaml
kind: ImageSetConfiguration
- catalog:
targetName: 'rh-index'
targetTag: v1-test
full: false
- name: odf-operator
- name: odf-operator
minVersion: '4.10.4'
maxVersion: '4.10.4'
- name: 'stable-4.10'
Check the archive mirror_seq1_000000.tar size after the entire mirroring process has been finished:
$ du -h ./archive/mirror_seq1_000000.tar
6.2G ./archive/mirror_seq1_000000.tar
Before proceeding with any kind of mirroring steps, we are going to have a closer look at the Offline Registry status:
$ tree ${HOME}/registry/
├── auth
│ └── htpasswd
├── certs
│ ├── domain.crt
│ └── domain.key
└── data
3 directories, 3 files
As we can observe, the ./data/ directory is empty at this point and we are going to proceed with the container base image mirroring procedure.
Mirror the container base images from the file mirror_seq1_000000.tar to the offline registry.
$ export REGISTRY_NAME=inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan
$ export REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=olm-mirror
$ export REGISTRY_PORT=5050
$ oc-mirror --from ./archive docker://${REGISTRY_NAME}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}
Check the content of the offline registry:
$ curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> https://${REGISTRY_NAME}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/v2/_catalog --insecure | jq .
"repositories": [
As it can be observed in the above output, we have a header containing base images whose purpose is to be used in the OCP deployment, those images are not usable in the odf-operator installation. This header is the following:
$ curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> https://${REGISTRY_NAME}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/v2/_catalog --insecure | jq .
"repositories": [
This header’s filesystem usage:
$ du -h ${HOME}/registry/data/ --max-depth=1
13G registry/data/docker
13G registry/data/
Highlighted the content of the odf-operator mirrored. Now we are going to evaluate the file system used at this moment by the above content of the offline registry.
$ du -h ${HOME}/registry/data/ --max-depth=1
19G registry/data/docker
19G registry/data/
Step 2.2. How to make use of the Offline Registry content to your OCP cluster
Once the mirroring of the operators is finished the process is creating the following directory: oc-mirror-workspace/results-1667747309 for which we will use the following two files to apply it to the OCP cluster:
$ cat oc-mirror-workspace/results-1667747309/catalogSource-rh-index.yaml
kind: CatalogSource
name: rh-index
namespace: openshift-marketplace
image: inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050/olm-mirror/redhat/rh-index:v1-test
sourceType: grpc
$ cat oc-mirror-workspace/results-1667747309/imageContentSourcePolicy.yaml
kind: ImageContentSourcePolicy
labels: "true"
name: operator-0
- mirrors:
- inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050/olm-mirror/openshift4
- mirrors:
- inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050/olm-mirror/odf4
- mirrors:
- inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050/olm-mirror/rhel8
- mirrors:
- inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050/olm-mirror/rhceph
- mirrors:
- inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050/olm-mirror/redhat
Looking at the applied catalog source, we can observe that the endpoint corresponds to the offline registry used: inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan:5050.
In order to validate that there are no dependencies missing for the odf-mirror we will proceed installing the operator on the OCP cluster.
- Start the installation of odf-operator:
- odf-operator is installed:
- The installed odf-operator subscription used:
- odf-operator pods status:
$ oc get pods -n openshift-storage
csi-addons-controller-manager-78c75c4c7-wq4p5 2/2 Running 2 (37m ago) 77m
noobaa-operator-6fdd894554-ptnm9 1/1 Running 0 78m
ocs-metrics-exporter-775b6d4bdf-k5d52 1/1 Running 0 78m
ocs-operator-6bf7b6dfc6-zwwzv 1/1 Running 2 (37m ago) 78m
odf-console-6dff658495-dcfxh 1/1 Running 0 78m
odf-operator-controller-manager-54ddd5db9c-mpkwt 2/2 Running 2 (37m ago) 78m
rook-ceph-operator-57bfbcc9d-hb9tk 1/1 Running 0 78m
Step 2.3. How to mirror container base images with a uncompact filesystem usage
Now we evaluate the filesystem usage when the imageset-config.yaml parameter full: true is used, the imageset-config.yaml file will have the following content:
$ cat imageset-config.yaml
kind: ImageSetConfiguration
- catalog:
targetName: 'rh-index'
targetTag: v1-test
full: true
- name: odf-operator
- name: odf-operator
minVersion: '4.10.4'
maxVersion: '4.10.4'
- name: 'stable-4.10'
Proceed to mirror the odf-operator container base images to the .tar file as highlighted above:
$ oc-mirror --config imageset-config.yaml file://archive
Once the mirroring has completed, validate the .tar file size in comparison with the previous check:
$ du -h ./archive/mirror_seq1_000000.tar
32G ./archive/mirror_seq1_000000.tar
- Filesystem usage of the .tar file comparison:
imageset-config.yaml differences | mirror_seq1_000000.tar [Gb] | Notes |
with full: true | 32 | |
with full: false | 6.2 | 80.625% decrease |
We can observe from the .tar file size that its size was reduced by 80% for the same content as in the previous, Step 2.1. How to mirror container base images with a compact filesystem usage example.
Mirror the container base images from the newly created file mirror_seq1_000000.tar to the offline registry. Be advised that the following values are an example representation for the purpose of this article, in your case the values might differ.
$ export REGISTRY_NAME=inbacrnrdl0101.offline.redhat.lan
$ export REGISTRY_NAMESPACE=olm-mirror
$ export REGISTRY_PORT=5050
$ oc-mirror --from ./archive docker://${REGISTRY_NAME}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/${REGISTRY_NAMESPACE}
Check the content of the offline registry:
$ curl -X GET -u <username>:<password> https://${REGISTRY_NAME}:${REGISTRY_PORT}/v2/_catalog --insecure | jq .
"repositories": [
We can observe that the content of the offline registry is identical.
Validate the file system used by the container base images mirrored to the offline registry:
$ du -h ${HOME}/registry/data/ --max-depth=1
44G registry/data/docker
44G registry/data/
- Filesystem usage of the uncompressed container base images usage comparison:
imageset-config.yaml differences | mirror_seq1_000000.tar [Gb] | Notes |
with full: true | 44 | |
with full: false | 19 | 56.8182% decrease |
We can observe from the offline registry container base image content size was optimized with 56.8182% for the same content in the previous example.
In conclusion, by leveraging the version control and restricting the container base image download we are able to optimize the filesystem usage of the offline registry.