
Digital is here to stay. IDC predicts that by 2021, at least 60 percent of Asia Pacific’s (excluding Japan) gross domestic product will be digitalized, with growth in every industry driven by digitally-enhanced operations and relationships1. To realize this, organizations need to adopt new technologies, such as cloud, to transform their business and innovate in order to differentiate themselves from competitors and drive business growth.

As business environments become uncertain and volatile, organizations will also need to IT infrastructure that will help them be agile enough to configure for change without necessarily knowing what the change will be. This is where open source can help. For 25 years, we’ve seen examples of how open unlocks the potential to solve complex problems in various industries – including financial services, telcos and governments – by bringing people together to collaborate. Open source is also a driving force behind emerging mega-trends in technology such as cloud and containers due to user participation. Putting it simply, open source can help organizations meet current and future business demands.

Stronger together

However, the success of open source is closely linked to the wisdom of the crowd where the collective opinion of a group of individuals tends to be smarter than that of a single expert. This is why we believe that partners are fundamental to our business, and we’re committed to providing them with the right support to grow.

One way we’re doing so is through the Red Hat Partner Conference Asia Pacific, which will take place in Bali, Indonesia, from 10-13 July, 2018. With the theme “Stronger Together,” the event provided partners with the opportunity to network; hone their technical knowledge on application modernization and integration, IT automation, cloud and virtualization, container platforms, DevOps and open hybrid cloud; as well as learn how open source can drive innovation across these areas.   

Committed to helping our partners grow, we also strive to equip them with the necessary sales, marketing and technical resources via our Partner Content Hub to enable them to keep up with changes. In addition, we’re providing specific routes to help different types of partners – such as system integrators (SIs), independent software vendors (ISVs) and CCSPs – understand how to best leverage our solutions to better serve their customers.

Mid last year we also announced that cloud and managed services providers in India, Indonesia, Japan and Singapore have joined the Red Hat CCSP program to better meet customer needs for cloud-based technologies. Since its launch in 2015, hundreds of cloud and service providers have achieved designation to deliver Red Hat solutions across the global marketplace. We are excited that the program is being received well in APAC and garnering a good interest across the region.

Last month we also launched the Red Hat OpenShift Practice Builder Program in Asia Pacific for SIs. This program is designed to better position SIs in the region to meet customers’ increasing interest for containerized application development and platforms that can support cloud-native workloads to become more efficient in delivering innovative solutions.

Furthermore, we are seeing a growing uptake of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform in Asia Pacific, with the help of independent software vendors (ISV). To keep up with the rapid pace of change, enterprises across industries need to have a robust, flexible, scalable and modern application platform that can run cloud-native workloads to increase their agility and embrace disruption. To help enterprises in Asia Pacific capture those opportunities, more ISVs in the region are integrating Red Hat OpenShift into comprehensive products and services that can enable success for cloud-first customers.

Unlocking the world’s potential

We are excited with the opportunities we have for our partners in Asia Pacific. I think it’s a great time to be in business, with technology driving the disruption across markets and verticals. However as the saying, “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” goes, Red Hat will only be able to help more organizations thrive in this ever-changing business environment with the help of our partners.

By furnishing partners with open source knowledge and tools, partners will be better able to comprehensively plan to transform their business and innovate to better help customers accelerate their digital transformation, which can translate to more sustainable business success. This in a nutshell is how we can unlock the world’s potential together.

1Source: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2018 Predictions -- APeJ Implications, November 2017 https://www.idc.com/getdoc.jsp?containerId=prAP43192517




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