
If you haven’t heard, opensource.com turned one last week! To celebrate its first anniversary, the site launched an inaugural awards program recognizing two top contributors with its Moderator’s Choice and People’s Choice awards.

Moderator’s Choice Award
The Moderator’s Choice award recipient, selected by opensource.com site moderators, was Matt Jadud. Matt is assistant professor of computer science at Allegheny College and a regular contributor to opensource.com’s Education channel. He is a vocal advocate of open source and has authored, contributed to or commented on many articles. His own include:

Congratulations to Matt!

People’s Choice Award
In a voting process open to all opensource.com readers, Máirín Duffy, was selected as the People’s Choice winner. Máirín is a senior interaction designer at Red Hat. She’s highly creative and a great artist, who is also passionate about open source. For Máirín, the two intersect in Inkscape, an open source SVG graphics program. Read how she used it to introduce middle school students to open source.

Máirín puts her skills to work as an active contributor in the Fedora community where she leads the Fedora Design Team. She has also contributed to the GNOME project through its marketing team and co-founded the GNOME Women group. She also teaches a weekly digital media course to middle school Girl Scout troops in the Boston area using Gimp and Inkscape on Fedora live USB sticks.

Congratulations to Máirín!

Thank you to all of the opensource.com contributors who made the site’s first year a success. If you would like to participate and submit an article to opensource.com, please visit opensource.com/how-submit-article.




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