
This is the third article in a three-part series about the state of customer and partner experience at Red Hat in 2022. You can read the other articles here:

As we dive head first into 2023, Red Hat and the Customer and Partner Experience (CPX) team are full speed ahead on our plans to continue driving customer and partner success. We know that our customers and partners expect a seamless and positive experience with us, and we will continue to invest and improve in the areas that matter the most to deliver on that expectation. We aim to make our customers’ and partners’ experience with Red Hat as positive, connected and simplified as possible.  

This year, the Red Hat CPX team is rallying around three main objectives to improve customer and partner experience. We believe that focusing on and prioritizing these three areas will lead to a more holistic, connected and positive experience for our customers and partners. 

We are transforming how Red Hat listens to you, our customers and partners

Hearing from our customers and partners is essential in knowing how to continue to improve our products and services. We know that filling out surveys takes time, and we all get a lot of them in our personal and professional lives. We want to make providing your valuable feedback as pain-free and effortless as possible.

This year, we are evolving and expanding our listening strategy to include more innovative ways to collect different types of feedback, including more external channels, so we won’t have to rely so heavily on email surveys. 

We are streamlining feedback data to deliver better experiences

In order to fully understand what pain points and challenges customers and partners encounter across their journey with Red Hat, we are creating a more holistic picture of the full customer and partner experience through an internal Experience Hub.

This tool will bring together feedback from all of Red Hat’s research teams, to more effectively and efficiently enable internal teams to access and use all Red Hat customer and partner feedback data. This new tool will make it easier for Red Hat teams to identify and improve your biggest challenge areas in a more streamlined way. 

We are improving how we respond to your feedback, and how we act on it across the organization

Teams across Red Hat are always working to prioritize enhancements and improvements based on customer and partner experience feedback. What’s most important to us is that you feel heard, and that you can see how we’re improving things to make your life easier—to see your voice in action.

To do this, we plan to expand our communications with you through more channels. We also want to make sure the appropriate Red Hat teams are following up on the feedback you provide to fully understand your perspective and address your challenges.

In 2022, we worked to close the loop with more customers than ever before. This will continue to be a key focus area for our CPX team in 2023, improving tools, processes, and guidelines on how we respond to and act on your feedback. 

Your voice matters 

None of the improvements we make would be possible without the input from our customers and partners. Your continued engagement helps us to know where to focus our improvement efforts, to make your experience with our people, products and services as positive and memorable as possible.

After all this talk about feedback, are you wondering how to have your voice heard? If so, reach out to the Red Hat CPX team directly at cpx-team@redhat.com. You can also see your feedback in action on our You Asked. We Acted webpage, join the conversation in our Customer Portal Community, or complete any survey  you may encounter when interacting with us. 

Thank you to our customers and partners for raising your voice in 2022, and we hope to hear directly from you again throughout 2023. We want to continue to drive valuable and meaningful improvements for you this year, and we can’t do that without your voice!


Red Hat's Customer and Partner Experience team works to drive customer and partner success by collecting, analyzing and operationalizing feedback. The team works with all areas of Red Hat to drive enhancements based on the feedback we receive from users.

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