
At Red Hat, we take customer feedback seriously. At the end of projects with our clients, formal training, purchases of software or solutions, and even technical support, we regularly hold feedback sessions. In doing so, this feedback loop can help identify points of improvement in various aspects and areas of the company to provide an improved customer experience. 

In our Customer Portal, you will find a page dedicated to showing the actions we’ve implemented based on feedback we’ve received called “You Asked. We Acted.” 

This is one of the ways that we show how Red Hat is taking action to implement changes based on feedback we’ve received. 

The benefits of a customer-centric mindset

Listening to customers is one of the best ways we've found to adjust strategies and improve our products. Through regular feedback, it is possible to make adjustments to products and services—whether that's adding features or fixing issues—prior to widespread use by customers. 

A complaint becomes an opportunity to improve processes and the quality of products and services. Praise can indicate we're on the right track to maintaining high quality and encourage us to continue offering the same quality of service. 

As such, we feel it's essential to provide a voice to customers and encourage their feedback. We find that people will generally give feedback if they know that their opinion will be taken into account to become an actionable item.

Examples of customer feedback in action

How does customer feedback impact our products and services? Let's look at a few examples:

  • Convert2RHEL is now fully supported: We initially provided Convert2RHEL as a utility to be used with consulting or as a self-supported tool. Now it's a fully supported tool that customers can use to convert RHEL derivatives to Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

  • Improved accuracy of security vulnerability scans: Based on customer feedback we worked on and delivered the Red Hat Vulnerability Scanner Certification, a new certification to validate how security software partners use Red Hat security-related data for Red Hat products. This enables partners to deliver more reliable, consistent reporting to customers for containers to minimize false positives and other discrepancies.

  • New documentation on configuring and managing cloud-init: Cloud-init is an important component of a number of Red Hat cloud offerings. While documentation on configuring and using this tool as a component of these products is available, customers often requested a more complete reference that describes settings and usage. In response to this feedback, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux documentation team created a full reference and usage guide.

We also make usability updates, like providing a version selector drop-down for Red Hat Ansible Tower and accessibility improvements to Red Hat OpenShift and PatternFly for users who work with screen readers. 

You'll find more changes based on customer feedback via the "You Asked. We Acted." page, but those are by no means a complete list. A key component of Red Hat subscriptions and the relationships we maintain with our customers is the feedback loop that helps Red Hat continue to improve its products and services.

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